Chapter 7: Telling Them

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Lau's POV:
I woke up hearing footsteps go up and down. Opening my eyes I saw it was just Jennifer.

Lau: What you doin belle?

I say in my morning deep voice.

Jennifer: Um, just cleaning up.

Lau: Let me help you.

Jennifer: No, no its okay it's my job.

Lau: It fine I insist.

Jennifer: Okay, if you want to.

I got up helping her. Going into the kitchen I see she just finish cooking breakfast. I look at her seeing she can't reach the plates from the cabinet which made me chuckle seeing her struggle. I went behind her telling her if she needed help.

Jennifer: No lau I think I got it. *sounding mad*

Lau: okay fine.

I think she get mad cause I laugh at her. I was about to walk away when she call me.

Jennifer: *still trying to reach the plates* wait lau, I need your help.

I turn around walk towards her then I grab her waist lifting her petit (small) body, even tho I could've gotten dem myself, but I really wanted to touch her. She grab the plates putting them down while I was still holding her by she waist.

Jennifer: Um, lau you can let go now. *sounding nervous*

I turn her around making her face me, I see she was getting a little nervous. I looked at her face admiring her beauty, she put her head down acting shy. Lifting up her chin for her to look at me, I stare deep into her eyes telling her no time for be shy; red started creeping up on her cheeks. I felt my self getting closer to her, but that soon went away when I heard larry say 'hey belle' she moved her head out of my grip now facing to right side.

Jennifer: Good morning larry. Um, you want some breakfast.

Larry: Oui, belle.

Jennifer: I ah, made breakfast for your friends too.

Larry: D'accord I go call them.

She was talking to larry while I still had her cornered. Larry leaving to go wake them up.

Jennifer: Excuse me lau, let me serve you guys some breakfast.

I moved out the way so she can serve us food.

Lau: Je suis desole belle.

I said after leaving the kitchen, to my room.

Larry's POV:
I woke up needing to go to the restroom, as I finish with my business. I heard voices coming from the kitchen so I peeked my head to see lau grabbing Jennifer's waist and that ticked me off. I acted like barley woke up yawning and stretching saying hey belle, to J. Turning her head she spoke to me while lau have her corner saying that she make breakfast for us and the crew. I tell her I'll go wake them up, going to the living room I get the 4 pillows from couch that I sleep on, throwing them at each making them wake up.

Regi: Wtf, bro I'm trying to sleep.

Larry: No time for sleep cause Jennifer made us breakfast.

Diablo: Man who that.

Larry: *face palms* She us new housekeeper.

They all get up running to the dinning room. Man they are childish. I sat down wit the boys. when she came in bringing us our food.

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