Chapter 39: Gathering

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(Next day, Morning)
Jennifer's POV:
I heard someone call my name, but the voice was so far away. Then, I heard it again, as for this time I was slightly closer. Fluttering my eyes open I took in my surrounding, seeing lau and larry sleeping hearing their light snores. My name was called once again before snapping my head towards the bedroom door, catching sight of lilo.

Lilo: *Whispers* Mami my baby sister, I think it Love that's crying.

J: Okay, thank you baby. I'll be right there.

I slipped out of bed carefully not trying to awake up lau and larry. Taking lilo's hand in mine, we walked out while I shut the door behind me soon going into the girls room. I walked over to the crib seeing it was indeed Love who was crying silently. Feeling a gentle pull come from my shirt, I turned and looked at lilo.

J: What's wrong lilo?

Lilo: Was I right?

J: I don't understa- Oh yes baby, this is Love.

Lilo: *whisper yells* Yay.

J: Okay let's go to your room and check on Grace.

Leaving the twin girls bedroom door open and walking over to lilo's and grace. Once I opened it, I saw Grace with a sippy cup in her mouth. In the corner of my eye, I saw lilo smiling ear to ear.

J: You made it for her.

Lilo: Oui mama. She was about to cry and I make one for my sister.

J: *whispers to herself* How?

I think I said it a bit to loud because lilo responded right away.

Lilo: I learn by watching you ma mere.

J: Your gonna be the best big sister ever.

I went up to her planting a kiss on top of her head making slightly laugh.

Lilo: You tickling my neck mami.

J: I wasn't trying to.

As I said this I gazed over her clock, doing a double take, it was 10:50am. Then, remembering we were going to have family over, I almost went in panic, knowing that they will be here at 11:05, so just 15 minutes for us to get ready.

J: Lilo go shower baby. We're having family over.

Lilo: Okay mami.

I rushed out of her room pushing my door open going over to the bed and kicked it. But their was no movement what so ever from them. Holding Love carefully with my left arm, using my left moving lau and larry, but they wouldn't budge.

J: Lau! Larry! Wake up, our family is coming in 10 minutes and you guys take to long to get ready!

They stirred around in the bed and I thought they had already awaken, but they were just getting more comfortable. I groaned out in annoyance getting out, going to Love's and Mercy's room, easing down on the chair and began to feed love. Moments later, Mercy woke up, I put down love in the crib taking mercy and fed her as well. After I felt she was finished I laid her back in with her sister before heading to mine seeing they were still sleeping. I grabbed the pillow that was on the floor, swung it over my shoulder and started attacking them.

J: Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

Larry: Que se passe-t-il! (What the hell!)

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