Chapter 14: New Friend

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(Looks can be deceiving)

Larry's POV:
Yesterday was uncalled for, when we got home lau carried her to the bathroom putting her down on the sink.

Lau: You okay, baby.

J: Yea, I'm fine.

Lau: Larry

He gave me a look that said clean her up. I go up to her standing in between her legs just as lau did.

Larry: Lift up your head for me, belle.

I cleaned her lip seeing it was kind of split open. I grabbed the alcohol pouring it on the cotton ball.

Larry: This might hurt little.

She hissed in pain gripping the counter top of the sink.

Larry: Sorry belle.

J: No no your fine and please stop calling me belle, I'm not even beautiful.

Larry: Whoever tell you that is a lie?

Lau: Yea you are the most beautiful thing in da world.

J: Ha thank you guys. I really appreciate all your complement's you give me, I love you two. *hugs larry and lau* Alright then I'm gonna go head to bed now buenas noches.

~Present, today~
The 3 words that came out she mouth made my stomach feel butterflies. J and lau stayed home as went to go leave something's at mami's place for lilo. Now me and a friend are going back to my place that me, lau met 3 or 4 days ago. When we get there I take out the keys from the ignition getting out. Then I see he pull up parking behind me we start walking to go in the house.

Jennifer's POV:
Lau asked me to go get him a glass of water as I was filling it up, lau came down standing at the end of the staircase. As I was about to hand it to lau. I heard his voice, that voice that ruined my life since childhood making me drop the glass.

Lau: J you okay.

J: S-sorry I-I'll c-clean it. *bends down picking up the glass, then cuts herself* Oww
*Jennifer whispers to herself: Hija de su puta (son of a bitch)*

Lau: Leave it, I clean it later. Let me see.

J: I-I'm f-fine.

Lau's POV:
I told J to get me water, but I felt bad of asking her because I got feet and hands to gets my own things. So I go down now standing at end of staircase. I see J walk out with my glass of water as soon as she about to give it to me, the front door opens and in walked mon frère, with us friend we meet 4 days ago, talking. I was about to take my water, but I saw her go stiff, making her drop the glass cup. I ask her if she okay. She seem a bit off when she hear Jason's voice. When she answer me, J would stutter.

*Lau's thought's: This non like her*

J was picking up the glass off the floor. Larry looked at me say what happen, As I was bout to answer, but I was cut off. I immediately looked down seeing blood on the floor. I told her to leave it, but she wouldn't listen and I'm not take non for answer. I stretched my hand to pick her up she flinched; backing away.

Jason: Jennifer

Lau: You know her

Jason: Yea, she my stepsister *walks to Jennifer*

Jennifer: No te serce mas. (Don't come any closer)

Jason: Todavia eres como antes. No as cambiado nada o si *touches jennifer's arm* (Your still like before, haven't changed one bit or have you)

*Lau's thought's: damn I don't understand, what they saying*

As he touched J's arm she ran to me, I embraced her in my arm's giving larry a look that said 'do something'.

Larry: I think you should go. Maybe some other day. *opens door*

Jason: Yea, maybe some other day. *walks out*

Larry's POV:
Just as I opened the door as he was talking to me. I hear something break. I turn seeing J stand still for a sec. then bends her knees to pick up the glass. It was quiet until my brother talked to her, as she speaking to mon frère. Us friend Jason spoke saying she was his stepsister. Me not being able to understand what they talk, he walk closer to J, touching she arm. Her eyes got wide and she went to lau, he hug her tight making she feel safe. Lau look at me and I told jason he should go, asking him so other day and he leave. Me and mon frère stand there confused as to why she acting like this. Talking to my brother telepathic, we thought we leave it to ask her some other day. Lau spoke up breaking the silence motioning me to get her.

Lau: I'll go pick up the glass. Larry.

I went taking his place, feeling her body tense. I talk to her trying to make her relax rubbing she back. Soon she start to calm, hearing sniffles. Lau came in told me to take her up to her room in which I did, now laying her down. Closing the door I call Eleni.

Phone convo:
Larry: Hey, Eleni uh can you cancel us workshop for tomorrow.

Eleni: Why is there a problem?.

Larry: It just complicated, right now.

Eleni: Okay no problem, no need to explain.

Larry: Merci, eleni.

Eleni: Your welcome.

Larry: Bye

Larry: Bye

Phone convo end

I told lau that I canceled us workshop because we not want to leave J by she self tomorrow, he say it was okay. It was 8:52pm so it was still kind of early, we sit on the couch now looking through Netflix to see what movie to watch and instead of watching a movie we see Naruto, as time flew we not even notice it was 11:54pm, I looked over at my frère seeing he already sleep and my eyes soon begin to get heavy. Eventually closing my eyes, sleep took over me.

Jennifer's POV:
After larry leaving the room I started to think of what he and his father did to me and my mama.

*Jennifer Mumble's: This can't be happening this has to be some kind of dream*

I don't know how long I've been laying in bed, but I get up deciding I going to take a shower. Turning on the water checking to feel the right temperature I take off all my clothes now getting in letting the water hit my body, standing there under the water for a couple minutes I take my shower washing my long hair, scrubbing down my body, and finally washing down the soap. Shutting off the water I stepped out getting the towel wrapping it around my body and one for my hair, also brushing my teeth since I was already in the bathroom. Stepping out the bathroom, while closing the door behind me I went to my drawer getting out white matching undergarments, taking off the towels I had on I put on my bra and panties not wanting to put on my PJ's because it was going to be hot. I went to bed not before seeing the time, 12:01am. Getting in bed pulling up the covers soon going to sleep.

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