Chapter 10: Surprise

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Larry's POV:
I woke up at 6:15 am, going to Lau's room.

Larry: Lau, you wake.

Lau: Non, I sleep

I walked in sitting on his chair that was next to his bed.

Larry: Bro, guess what today is.

Lau: *thinking face* Is it... Wait. Oh its.... no. I got it, its.... Mmm.

*Larry thoughts: He doing it on purpose and it working*

Larry: Lau!!!

Lau: Shhhh, you gonna wake up the birthday girl.

Larry: Is you!! Non me.

Lau puts he pointer finger to his lips telling me to be quiet and motions with he hands to calm down. I gain control of myself claming down.

Larry: what you gon get J.

Lau: I buy it already

Larry: And you non tell me

Lau: Non cause you was sleep.

I am so mad at my brother, he do it every time, when I sleep.

Larry: what you buy her.

Lau: You wanna see, go to the guest house, is on she bed.

Larry: Just tell me.

I wait for a couples seconds so he tell me, but non so I tell him again and he non answer.

Larry: You not tell me.

He nods he head no. I get up from his bed going to my room to take shower so I could go to the store and buy gift for J. When I finish, I call all my crew to come to us house and make surprise party for Jennifer and they agree.

~Time Laps at Mall~
Geez I non even know what get her. I give up and sit down on the bench that was inside the mall.

*Larry thought's: Damn, I go in every store and still not get nothing*

I put my head down when I soon feel someone tapping my shoulder thinking it just one of the fans that wanna picture or signature, I still pay no mind.

???: Um, Larry.

I look up seeing it was indeed a fan.

Larry: Oui. (Yes)

???: You know I could help you.

Larry: Um, sorry who you?

???: My apologise, I'm Lavina. I wanna help you find whatever you looking for.

I think about it for a couple seconds, she seems like a good person, I okayed her. We started walking to wherever we going.

Lavina: Girlfriend.

Larry: What?

Lavina: The present is it for your girlfriend.

Larry: No. No girlfriend, she just a friend.

Lavina: Is she special to you.

*Larry thought's: Why she asking me this*

Larry: Uh, yeah very special.

Soon we enter a jewelry store, I look around seeing different kinds of jewelry, till something caught my eye.

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