Chapter 37: Time

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Sorry guys I know I've been slacking it lately 😥😞 please forgive me. 😰 Je suis désolé, but I'm not gonna updated sooner. Sorry for letting y'all down, I hope you guys relish this chapter.😊 Please excuse any mistakes.
(6 months pregnant, November 26, 2012 Last week Monday)

Jennifer's POV:
I woke up to the sound of the shower running. Sitting up, I threw my legs to the side, on the edge of the bed and stood up, walking towards the mirror observing myself.

*J's thoughts: I feel like a whale.*

I looked at my legs, ankles seeing they were swollen. My hands were chubby. Before I could go on and judge myself some more, I heard lau and larry's voice.

Lau&Larry: Beautiful.

They said in union. I faced the mirror thinking "What's beautiful? I know its not me." My thoughts were interrupted by two soft lips on my left and right side of my cheek.

Lau: You okay, belle?

J: Mhmm.

Larry: We love you so much. You know da.

I nodded my head soon feeling hands on my cheek that was now turning my head. I was face to face with Lau. He pull me in kissing me with so much love.

Lau: *pulls away* Je'taime.

Larry took ahold of my hand planting sweet kisses starting from the back of my hand all way up my to my shoulder, to neck and my jaw; till he got my lips.

Larry: You beautiful, and non ever forget da.

Just as I was about to respond I felt pain in my stomach, like someone had stabbed me with a knife and started twisting it. I fell to my knees holding my stomach with my right hand and my left hand pressed against the mirror. Lau and Larry stood there in shock while trying to help me up.

Lau: Baby, baby you okay?

J: *scrunches face in pain* Wait, wait don't touch me.

Larry: *takes deep breath* J?

I waited for a couple seconds in the same position for the pain to go away until it was gone. I grabbed Lau's and Larry's hand standing myself up.

J: I'm okay, I'm okay.

I let go of their hands, hearing lau say he was going to go get me some water. I headed towards the restroom, opening the door and I felt liquid run down my leg to my bare feet, feeling the pain struck me again.

J: *whispers* Ugh! *screams* Ahhhh!... Larry!

Larry's POV:
Lau went downstairs to get J some water. I sat down on the bed worrying about J. Moments later, I hear her scream.

J: Ahhhh!... Larry!

I jumped up, of her sudden shriek and rushed to the restroom. She took a step forward slipping backwards.

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