Chapter 13: This is my home (part II)

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Lau's POV:
I can't believe he would let her dance with that guy. He give me bad feeling, maybe is because we non know him, but what mon frère say is true, she do look happy. I just worried she won't like us anymore and she be with someone else. The thought of that made my stomach turn. We surrounded by a bunch of short people and is good that we tall because we could see J dancing alone now. Then I see another guy go up to her grabbing her from she waist, so now her backside was touching he front side.

I grew cautious of her because I noticed that she non like to be touched a lot. As she danced, he hands were going down, until she pulled up his hands. He turned her around so they face to face, holding her hips his hands went down grabbing a handful of her ass. I saw her smack his hand way. I turn to my brother, to see if he seeing what I'm seeing and indeed he was, turning back she was now trying to leave, he grabbed ahold of her arm pulling her back and I saw fear in her eyes. Me and my bro moved through the crowd of people were they were at the other end. We see J slap him and he grew angry, we try to move fast, but there was just lot of people.

*Lau's thought's: Please non let nothing happen to her*


I hear J yell us name.

Lau: Dépêchez-vous bro. (Hurry up bro)

When we got there the only thing I saw was J's face swing and falling to the floor. I go up to the guy that just slapped J in front of us face. I grab him by the throat pushing him against the wall.

Lau: Man that's a female.

Lifting up my fist, about to show him so manners of how to respect a lady. I get stopped by a small hand holding onto my arm.

Jennifer: Lau don't, I'm okay.
Larry was there next to me ready to beat his ass. Turning my head to face her, seeing her lip bleeding got me more angry also my brother, still not letting go I turn back were he struggle for us to let go. She get in between us both, now holding onto me and larry's face.

Jennifer's POV:
I got in between lau and larry now standing in front of them. They were still staring the guy down, I grab ahold of their face. Me knowing that Lau and Larry will try and hurt the guy.

Jennifer: *tear falls* Please let him go. He's not worth it.

Lau: But he hurt you, belle. No one hurts what ours.

Larry: Oui, belle.

Jennifer: Please let go. *lips now quivering* I been through much worse than this.

Hearing the guy fall to the ground. I hug both of them telling them I wanna go home now. We left the house, going to go walking back were the bus stop was at. Lau gave me a piggyback ride, soon stopping putting me down, when we hear my tio Marcos (uncle marcos) call my name.

Marcos: Cheekees, ya te vas tan pronto. (Cheekees, leaving so early)

Jennifer: *head down* Uh, si es que estoy cansada. (Uh, yes its cause I'm tired)

Tio Marcos: Cheekees, que tienes. (Cheekees, what's wrong)

Jennifer: Nada (nothing)

Tio Marcos: *serious tone* Mira me cheekees. (Look at me cheekees)

I look up, not wanting to make him angry.

Tio Marcos: *grabs jennifer's chin* Quien te pego? (Who hit you?) *stares at Lau and larry*

Jennifer: No fueron ellos. (It wasn't them)

Tio Marcos: No me vas a decir quien fue. (Your not going to tell me, who it was)

I didn't reply and he came and gave me a kiss on the forehead telling me to take care. We get on the bus now heading back home. I lay my head on lau's shoulder grabbing larry and lau's hands, closing my eyes till we get home.

Tio Marcos POV:
Quien es atreve pegarle a mi cheekees. (Who's dare hit my cheekees)

Marcos: *calling out crew* ay, bamos a la casa. (Hey, let's go to the house)

Entrando a la casa. (Entering the house)

Marcos: *tells chuey* corta la musica. (Cut the music) *chuey leaves and turns off music* Escuchen, quien le pego a una chica de cabello negro, con una camisa blanca y pantalones comoflajiados. (Listen, who here hit a girl with black hair, wearing a white shirt, and camouflaged pants)

Veo el grupo de chamacos puntar a un homdre que esta sentado tomando quien sabe. (Seeing the group of kids point to a guy that was sitting down drinking)

Marcos: *tells two of his friends* trimelo. (Bring him over here) *they bring him* olle bato tu le pegastes a mi sobrina. (Your the one that hit my niece) *no response*

Adrian: Ey, si fue el, el le pego porque a JJ no queria que el la estuviera tocando y se iba ir pero la volvio agara de su hombro, es cuando ella le solto una cachetada a el y es cuando se molesto y le dio una cachetada y luego viniero eso dos jemelos al punto de golpiar lo pero ella los detubo y se fueron. (Hey, yea it was him that hit JJ because she didn't like him touching her so she walked away, but he grabbed her arm bringing her back making her slap him and he got angry hitting her back and that's when those two twins came about to beat his ass, but she stop them and they left)

Marcos: Tocastes a mi sobrina. (You touch my niece)

Guy: No sabia que ella era tu sobrina, perdon (I didn't know she was your niece, s-sorry)

Marcos: Perdon, tu lo ibas pensado antes de que le pusistes la mano. (Sorry, you should have thought of that before you laid a hand on her) *looks at crew giving them a look that said take him and go for it*

Los fuimos y contuinamos nuestro dia, que mis hombres es encargen de el y se diviertan. (we left and continue our day as my men take care of him and have a little fun)

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