Chapter 24: Found

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Jennifer's POV:
I woke up trying to open my left eye, but couldn't cause it was swollen shut. I looked up, only to see my hands tied together and moving my feet not feeling the floor, noticing I was hanging. Looking around figuring I was in the basement.

*J's thoughts: Feels the same, but yet looks different from a couple years ago.....smaller*

Hearing a door open, I stopped moving because it was no use.

Jason: Vaya, vaya mira quien final mente dicidio despertarse. (Well, well look who finally decided to wake up)

J: J-jason baja me de aqui. (J-jason, get me off of here)

Jason: No can't do, baby. If I let you go, you'll probably run from me.

J: *begging tone* Jason its too tight.

Jason: Okay *walks up to J* if you want me to untie it *whispers in J's ear* your gonna have to kiss me.

J: I rather hang here, than kiss a sick bastard.

Jason: *gets scissor* That's why I like you, you feisty *goes down cutting her shirt*

J: No, porfavor. (No, please)

Jason: Shut up, before I cut you.

I started crying silently feeling the coldness of the scissors slowly caressing my thigh, cutting off my shorts. Hanging there humiliated of myself.

Jason: *groans* You know I love you.

J: *sniffles* If you l-love me, then w-why are doing this Jason? Let me go.

Jason: *doesn't answer J's question* Do you love me?
*no answer* JJ, do you love me?

J: *nods her head*

Jason: I can't hear you.

J: *whispers* I-I love y-you.

Jason: You really love me *surprised*

J: Yes, I do, but I was scared t-that your father wouldn't like that. Every time when you be gone, h-he envied you because you had me. He would beat me and then leave me to heal, so when you would come back, it was like nothing happened.

Jason: Your lying, he wouldn't do that.

J: *tear runs down her cheek* No, I'm not lying. I'm telling the truth.

Jason: No, no don't cry, I'm sorry. *goes up to J* If your not lying *leans forward* kiss me and I'll untie you.

*J's thoughts: I'm sorry Lau & Larry*

Just like that I kissed him, feeling nothing. I just wanted him to gain my trust, so I can take grace and escape. I pulled away looking at him in disgust, but didn't show the emotion I felt for him, on the outside. He untied me and as I stood face to face with him, he rested his hands on both my cheeks pecking my swollen eye then my lips one more time. He snaked his hands onto my lower back pulling me into him.

Jason: I'll go get you some clothes.

He left, soon hearing the door lock on the outside.

Larry's POV:
I took lilo to mama's house the day J been gone. Me and the crew haven't slept debating on whether we should call da police, but I was da only one that not want to cause it been almost 24hrs J's been gon and they not doing nothing till it has been exactly 24hrs.

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