Chapter 18: One Month

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Larry's POV:
It was hard saying goodbye to J. I keep having these bad feeling she could get hurt. We been gone only 3 weeks doing workshops. I not feeling myself since I leave home. I just...

Lau: Bro, hurry up we waiting on you.

Larry: I go I go, damn.

We danced the choreography to mon frère. Now it is he turn to show what he group got. When he finish, we now going to do freestyle. Making a big circle music played, we pull people in to see what they got. Later we took picture with us fans and them giving us gifts. Which we thank them showing us love to them. The workshop has finish and now we in us hotel relaxing. I close mine eyes, soon hearing Lau's phone go off making me get annoyed cause non answer. Soon getting irritated of the constant ringing, I threw a pillow at lau aiming it right in he face, telling him to answer it.

Lau: Hello...hey we in the hotel... O-oh okay...oui thank you for asking, I tell my brother. Bye, eleni.

He laid back barring he face in the pillow, not saying anything.

Larry: Bro, who dat?

Lau: Oh that eleni.

Larry: What she say.

Lau: Next week we have non workshop, so us can go back home.

I was so happy, we get to go back home. Just need two more days till next week.

Jennifer's POV:
Oh god I am so exhausted and lonely even though they been gone for almost a month its not like I wanted them to go. I don't even know what they're job is, anyways... somehow this mansion has a way of getting itself dirty and they're not even here. I been taking care of both my babygirl's and lilo has been doing well. She's been going to school making friends, which puts a smile on my face seeing her happy. She's also been helping me with grace, she loves her is much. I'm so...

Lilo: Mama

J: Hu, w-what?

Lilo: I want to give grace she bottle, please please. *pouty face*

*Jennifer's thought's: she does it just like her father, you can't resist that face*

J: Okay baby, go ahead. *hands bottle to lilo*

Lilo: Yay, merci. *runs back to the living room*

As I was saying I'm so in love with them, they are my heart. While making spaghetti, and chicken for lunch there was a knock on the door, leaving the spaghetti boil I went to answer it.

J: Hello, How can I help you?

???: Hi, is lau home.

J: Not to be rude but who are you?

???: My bad the names Camille, I'm Lau's girlfriend and you are.
(Picture below of how Lau's girlfriend looks like)

(Picture below of how Lau's girlfriend looks like)

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