Chapter 7

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"Baby I really miss you." She said while walking up to him smiling.

Go home Shontae." Walking pass her.

"Okay so who's the bitch Devin?" Turning around to look at him.

"Not you, why tf you came back anyways ? What my brother wasn't hitting it right or some shit?"

"Baby I told you I was sorry about that." Trying to touch him.

"Fuck you Shontae." Brushing her off. "I am the way i am with women today because of bitches like you."

"Baby I'm sorry look we can start over."

"Bruh no, how did you get in my house anyway ?"

"Your back door was open."

Looking at her, "You trying me right ?"

"Devin calm down."

"Bitch, you got ten seconds to get the fuck out my house or I swear to god I will kill your ass right here where you're standing."

"Okay fine but whoever this bitch is tell her to watch her back." Leaving out

Later that night, Ciara POV
I took my shower and went down stairs and watched some tv, until I heard a hard knock on the door. I know exactly who it was.

"I'm coming damn." Getting up and opening the door. "The fuck you want now miche-" Getting slap hard.  "Reggie?" Holding her face while looking at him.

"I told you if you didn't kill him that I was gone kill you right ?" Clocking the gun back.

I felt my heart pounding hard, and my head had tighten up. I was beyond pissed and tired of this shit.

"Reggie, get the fuck out my house now." Saying it extremely calm.

"Or what Ciara? Heh heh heh, don't give afuck about your little attitude you be catching." Slapping with the gun.

I felt my fave and saw the blood on my hands. I looked up at him and I could tell he was scared. I kicked him in his knee breaking his leg. As he fell to the floor I grabbed his gun and shot his partner between his eyes. I squatted down over Reggie and put the gun in his mouth.

"Reggie I told you to leave my fucking house. See what people fail to realize is that my brother didn't give me this job because i'm his sister. The reason had me for the job is because when I'm pissed off I don't give a fuck about a life. I have no heart, I eat your feelings up and swallow them. So I should blow your fucking shit off right now but instead I'm giving you the chance to live. Even though you tried to kill me , I shouldn't fucking let you but sinece I'm trying to be better. I will spare you with a couple of injuries.

"What you mean cc?" He asked

"To you I'm no longer cc, I'm CIARA bitch." Shooting him in his left shoulder then grazing him on the right side of his head.

I called up some guys from the crew and told them to get Reggie out of here. I didn't give a fuck where they took him. After they arrived a couple minutes later Devin called.

"Wasup shawty, what you been up to?"

"Nothing just handling some things." Some dude dropping Reggie while knocking over her mama favorite statue and breaking it. "Hold on Devin real quick. Yo what the fuck about being careful you didn't understand ?"

"I'm sorry Ciara."

"Shut up with that I'm shit" She said while shooting him in the leg. "Now get these niggas the fuck out face. Hello Devin you still there?"

"Remind me to never fuck your ass over. You crazy as hell."

"I get it from my brother but trust me that's something I don't think you would have to worry about. I'm into you."

We stayed up all night talkin on the phone about anything and everything. The Next morning

Devin POV
"Man I'm talking about she shot this nigga in while I was on the phone with her man. Bruh, we don't even date and I think I'm in love. A girl that's truly about hers and she ruthless. I need somebody like that on my team."

"You right, but why y'all ain't trying to take it further In y'all relationship?"

"I don't want to mess nothing up between us because I'm too caught up in these streets. I don't want to hurt her man. She to special for that plus being a hoe is in my blood. That's some shit that's gone take a while to work on. Shit I don't know man."

"I feel ya bruh but ayye I got to go. I got a date with Aaliyah." Getting up, smiling.

"Okay man, alright Dre my little niece coming over in a few anyway. So if I'm not home I'm taking her to the park and probably to get some ice cream."

"Alright man well hit you up afterwards."stand up then dapping him up.

"Alright man"  leaving out

Phone ringing

"Hello" he answered.

"Hey, I'm taking my little nephew to the park, want to come ?" Ciara asked

"No problem. I'll meet you there around 11."

"Okay bye" Hanging up

Laughing to hisself. "Man this shit can't be real."

Knock, knock

"Who is it?" Going to answer the door.

"Me uncle D, open up !"

"Hey baby girl !" Opening the door

"Uncle D !!!" Running up to him and jumping in his arms.

"You ready to chill with Uncle D for the day ??" Catching her and picking her up.

"Yeah so ready ! "

"Okay Good." Kissing her cheek before putting her down. "So how it's been sis ?" Hugging her.

"He haven't been home since the last three weeks, I don't know what to do."

"Lisa, it's gone be okay don't stress yourself about it. You need me to handle it ?"

"No, Devin just let it go. Take care of my baby girl will you."

"I always do that sis, I love you" Giving her another hug

"I love you too, see you later. Alright baby girl mama finna go."

"Okay mommy !" Running and giving her a kiss. "I wuv you !"

"I love you too baby, be good. I'll see ya'll later." Leaving out.

Ciara POV, at the park

"Hey Ciara, you remember me ?"

"Donnie !?" Turning around to see him.

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