Chapter 13

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Devin POV
I was just chilling laying on my couch thinking about what happened between me and Ciara. I think I'm really falling for this girl I can't get her off my mind. I think she might be the one fa' me. I just have to find the way to get back on good terms with her man. I never meant to hurt her. Damn what was I thinking. I was in deep thought when I got a phone call from my boy.

"Ayye yo, what's up ?"

"Aye man come to the hospital."

"Why, what happen ?" Getting up.

"Ciara got in a car accident"

When my home boy told me that. My whole world came crashing down. Like bruh she can't die and I said all that to her. Within these four weeks I was catching deep feelings for this girl man. She got to pull through.

"I'm on my way"

I hung up and headed to the hospital as quick as I could.

Aaliyah POV, At the hospital
I don't understand she was just at my house how in the hell did this happen. God please help me understand ? This have to be a set up cause ain't no way in the world she just randomly get hit. I was sitting there with Kaylin   And John. When I seen Dre walk back in the waiting room. I ran up to him and hugged him as he held me tight. I felt so safe with him.

"Did the doctor say anything yet ?" Dre asked.

"No he didn't. What did Devin say ?"

"He said he was on his way."

Few mins later, Devin came running in.

" Ayye man where is Ciara. Bruh I need to see her man."

"Yo Devin bruh calm down." Dre said

I watch as Dre grabbed Devin telling him to calm down. Damn I think it's way more in his heart than just sex. What if Devin really loves her, and if he do he got a funny fucking way of showing it. He just blew her off like she was just trash but Ciara is way more valuable then that and I think he finally realized that.

"Man Dre I just got to see her. What if God don't take her away from me man I'm sorry Ciara." He said extremely worried.

I watched him as he sat down and put his face in his hands. I walked over there and comforted him.

"Y'all I don't want to lose her man. She really is the realist I've ever met out here in these streets. And I know I fucked up I know, it's's really hard to trust women because of what I've been through."

"You don't think she been through it too." Aaliyah said

He looked up at me, then back down at the ground. I could tell he was sincerely sorry for the things he did. I hope when she get better that they patch things up. And he actually do better by her this time.

" I swea' I didn't know she went through all that stuff I said. I was just naming shit because that's what Shontae put me through. I didn't know, I swea' I didn't Aaliyah. I just want her back in my arms." He said

I rubbed his back, as the doctor walked in. I stood up waiting to hear the news

"Family of Ciara ?"

"Yes that's us." Aaliyah said

I looked back and everybody had stood up. I looked back at him and he was so shock to see how many people that was there as family.

"Well I have some good news, and I have some bad news. Good news is she has a fracture rib but she is okay. But the bad news is she was pregnant, the baby didn't survive.

Devin POV

"Doctor did you just say pregnant ? Are you telling me that I lost my baby doc ?" Devin asked

Everybody looked back at me in shock. He looked at me and nodded. I didn't know she was pregnant. I looked at him as my heart crumbled to the ground. A tear fell down my cheek. I couldn't believe this. Why didn't she tell me ?

"Can I go see her ?"

"Yeah I'll show you the way."

I followed the doctor and the only thing that was going through my mind is that I lost my baby. Why didn't she tell me ? We came up to the room and I walked in, she look like she been crying her eyes out. She was asleep but her eyes was puffy. I told the doc thank you and grabbed my chair to sit down next to her. I grabbed her hand and she squeezed it. I look at her and seen a tear fall down her face. I wiped her tear and she grab my hand and held it on her cheek. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Ciara baby I know I was wrong for the shit I said. I'm sorry that's not me and I shouldn't have said it. But why didn't you tell me about your past ?"

She closed her eyes and took a breath. She smiled weakly.

"Baby I should've told you about my past. I'm sorry about that. But I thought if I told you you wouldn't want anything to do with me. I was just protecting myself. But when I get out of here we can be open with each other right ?"

I looked her and smiled

"Right, just another question?"

"what's up"

"Why didn't you tell me you where pregnant."

She sighed. "The reason I didn't tell you was because I didn't know myself. I was on the way to the doctor to find out.But I didn't make it because a truck was coming head on with me. And it's funny I remember everything. After the truck hit me the driver got out and kicked me in my chest multiple times. I was praying that God took care of the baby. Why whoever this was beat me. He kicked me over and over and that's why I got a fractured ribs. Then I remember hearing a female voice saying kick her again for takin my man or some shit like that. So he did and he kicked me right in my stomach. Once he did that I knew I was pregnant, because I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I felt as if I was bleeding in between my legs. That's when I passed out."

Ciara POV ~
I looked at Devin and he put his head down, I could tell he was mad. I could tell that what I just told him had hurt him. I just don't want him to do anything stupid. I tried to sit up and it was so painful. I grabbed his hand and he looked at me

"Devin I know you. Please don't do no stupid shit ok. Besides I can have more kids. They may have stopped this one but there's going to be more to come. Baby look at me."

I grabbed his face and he looked at me. I wiped away his tears.

"We gone get through this okay." She said looking him deep in the eyes.


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