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"What ?"

"Janisha it take six weeks to start showing signs of pregnancy. Baby girl you been pregnant this whole time before sleeping with Ricky and everything. And you didn't know that, you didn't feel no type of way Being hungry all the time, mood changes, nothing ?"

"No I just thought because I wasn't eating how I use to that I was just hungry."

"Omg janisha, bitch you slick fucked yourself on that one. Yeah you slept with Ricky but that's dre baby. I know your angry with him but I think he should know honey."

"WHAT !?? No he not gone believe me."

"Then you hit his ass with them damn results and then with some child support papers baby, because that's his child shorty."

Ciara pov~
I know my girl just a little slow, but damn nisha I didn't think she was that slow lord help her please. She sat there zoned out, I went and fixed both of us a plate. In the mix I heard the guys in there talking about something. I was trying to figure out where Kay was.

"Baby where is Kaylin ?"

"Upstairs using the bathroom I think, is she okay ?"

"Yeah she good *fixing her a plate* the baby Dre's." Kaylin stand by the door listening

"What you mean?" John asked putting the spoon in his mouth.

"She been pregnant this whole time way before the break she was a month and a week pregnant and she had no clue." Kaylin leaving

"Damn, if we tell dre this his baby he not going for it." Dustin said

"That's why y'all are not telling him I am, me and her."

"When ?, because we leave tomorrow."

"It's gone be before then, calm down. Damn so anxious for what. You not getting anything on the trip anyway."

"Who you got me fuck up, I gets what's I want always." Dustin said taking a bite out his egg roll.

I took janisha her plate and she was on the floor bleeding from her stomach.

"JANISHA WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED !"dropping the plates and rushing to her.

"I'm ok...I'm...ugh okay".


"What happened" rushing to the living room

"Who did this ?? Where the fuck is Kaylin ?"

She looked at me when I said that name. My eyes widen, what the fuck this bitch got against janisha. And I swear if she did this shit I'm fucking her up.

"Janisha did Kaylin do this ?"

She nodded and I seen the ambulance bust through the door. They grabbed her and began working on her while otw to the hospital. I stood up and followed them. I was furious and confused why would she even do that. That was our girl shit not adding up ! They rushed her out the truck and in the hospital. I paced the floor calling this bitch. She wasn't answering, what the fuck I sat down and thought for a min. Why would a bitch get this crazy ? Got to be jealousy? But of what money ? Nahh, baby ? But Kaylin can have one. I sat and thought for a little while longer. Omg DRE ! Two hours passed by and the doctor came in and told us it's okay to come in. I told the guys to stay here while I talk to janisha for a while. When I walked in she was looking good, I pulled up a chair and sat beside her.

"Janisha ?"

"Yes ?"

"Kaylin did this to you because of dre huh ?"

She closed her eyes this must been going on for a while but since when ? Tears dripped down her face and everything. I got up and sat on the bed next to her.

"When did you find out that she wanted him ?"

" I knew at the Christmas party, he told me that she was trying to flirt with him. And then some how she got his number. She was crazy over him and I couldn't figure out why. Then one day the reason we had the break is because I caught them two texting and I broke up with him because what they was saying was heart breaking. She told him she loved him and he said it back. So I thought the break was a good idea. I took all my anger and frustrations out on revenge and that's when I slept with Ricky. So I guess later on at the house she over heard us talking about the baby being dre's I guess she didn't like it and that's when she grabbed a pair of sissors stabbed me in the stomach luckily to missed the baby and ran out."

"Why didn't you fucking tell me janisha, I knew you longer I was just meant this bitch. I knew you my whole fucking life man wtf."

"Ciara you had too much going on as it is, why would I make you choose between me and your friend."

"Bitch I should slap you, that's a fucking friend bitch you my sister. I would choose you over the fucking world. Now you know what I got to do right ?"

"Ciara please don't, you got a vac-"

"Fuck that vacation janisha im killing this bitch and I swear omm that she gone fucking die in pain for this shit and I mean it ! Nobody fuck with you, fuck you thought this was bitch. Now I'm out for her head fuck that. I'll be back !"

And with that I lefted out, I made a call and walked up to Dustin. He knew some shit was up. I pulled him and John to aside and explain everything. John looked kinda upset but at the end of the day he knew to and he was going for dre head.

"So what you bout to do ciara ?" John asked

"Look we can handle dre ass later but I'm going after this bitch by myself please watch out for janisha."

"No problem,"

"Baby I know you was looking forward to this trip but I'm sorry she messed with my only family. I can't have that I feel betrayed asf and you know how I get when someone do me dirty after all I do for them."

"Go handle yo business baby, I'll be there later. I love you."

"I love you too daddy !"

I gave him a kiss and he smacked me on my ass, as I walked off.

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