Chapter 35

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Dustin pov~
"Yo bitch." Dee said

"What ?" Viper and Jackson said

"I don't like talking so let's get to good part." Dustin said

"I like you !" Dee agreed

He grabbed his gun and I grabbed it, as he shot the ceiling. I knocked the gun out his hand punching him multiple times. Jackson tried to jump on me but dee grabbed him beating the shit out of him. Viper head butted me and tried to reach for the gun as Dee kicked it away, and Jackson hit him in his back with a pole knocking him out and Jackson helped up viper after knocking me out.

Ciara pov~
I grabbed the pole and slung it another way. Micheal smiled and I grabbed him by his neck  and flipped him off me. I grabbed a wooden board and started pounding his head in. When he was unable to get up, I grabbed my gun and stood over him.

"Ciara wait wait, can I say something ?"

"Make it quick I'm ready to get to the good part."

"Look I'm not gone lie, I miss you ciara. Think about it, it can be me and you like it was before unstoppable. Just think about it, I killed your father to protect you. Everything I did was for you, I was protecting you."

"Stop Micheal, you left me for years and didnt  come back until some months ago. You tried to get me killed several times what part of that was protecting me?"

"Okay for that I can't admitt I was wrong but everything was for protecting you from this life."

"You did a shitty job then." Cocking back the gun.



"Should've killed me when you had the chance."

"I'm not stupid I see that bitch. Hello shontae."

Shooting her face and then blowing his brains out.  Damn it I hate you had to go like that. I got up and grabbed the knife off the table. Cutting off his head, and I headed to the room where Dustin and Dee was. When I walked in they was tied up and viper and Jackson had guns pointed at them.

"Y'all couldn't handle a simple job ?"

"Look its was Dustin fault." Dee said

"Shut up ." Viper said

"Damn Micheal couldn't handle you ?" Jaskson asked

"I don't know, why dont you asked him" holding up his head grinning.

"What the fuck ?" Viper said

"How in the fuck ?" Jackson asked

"He owed me a lot so why not start with his head, now if you don't want to end up like this untie them and you got ten seconds to run. Before I put a bullet in your head, 1."

"Ight ight." Viper said

They let them go and ran as fast as they could to the exit. When they got there the door was locked.

"5" dropping his head.

"The door won't open." Jackson said

"Try harder man" viper snapped

"8" holding her sniper.

"Fuck !! Man"  viper snapped

"9,..10, Head shot." sniping them both in the head.

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