Chapter 17

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"Mm" She moaned in pain.

Everything was getting blurry, I watched him walked out then I had passed out. An hour later, I was kinda conscious again. I seen a blurry figure come in.

"Help" she said in barely a whisper.

Devin pov
I came back up to the hospital to see Ciara. When I came in I saw her laying on the floor passed out in a pool of blood. I picked her up and I noticed the bruises on her,


"Whats wrong devin ?" Running in seeing the blood. "What happened?" Dr.Jones said while checking her pulse.

"I don't know, i just found her like this on the ground."

He checked her stitches and the had bussed open. He told me to step out for a min and he called in a nurse. I went in the waiting room until he came out. Two hours later, he came out.

"Devin this probably gone be hard to hear but she was raped. She put up a fight and that's where the bruises come from. We managed to close up her stitches in time. She is okay. She's sleep but you can go see her."

"Raped ?? How the fuck did that happened? Nobody was keeping an eye on her ?!"

"Devin calm down please. I don't how this could've happen but We will find out who did this.  I'll check the cameras and everything. But in the meantime keep your head because you can afford to lose it. Because she need you right now."

I nodded and headed to the back. I was beyond tired of this shit. I was ready to buss a cap in anybody. I'm not leaving her aside no more i don't care what nobody say, that shit dead asf. I want a motherfucker to try her while i'm around. When i walked in she was asleep. I went to her side of the bed and held her hand and kissed it. Her eyes fluttered open.

"Ciara, baby are you okay ?" he asked pissed off.

"I'm a be fine." she said looking at him. "Devin calm down please." she said while touching his face.

"Who did this to you ?" he said as a tear fell down his cheek.

Wiping it away "It was -"

"Knock Knock, Hey how are you doing ? I'm Dr.Wilson. How are you feeling Ciara ?" He asked.

I looked at this nigga because I don't recall this nigga ever being her doctor. She look at him and didn't answer.

"I said how are you feeling Ciara ?" He repeated.

He stared at her with big eyes, I wasn't fucking with this nigga. I grabbed her hand tightly and she looked at me. I guess she knew something was up. She had the expression of letting me know to calm down on her face. I nodded and the Doctor watched as I rubbed her hand. He didn't like that and I could tell.

"Well Ciara it seems like everything with you is okay. But I will be back to check on you, okay."

She just stared at him.


She nodded and he left out. Some shit wasn't right and when I find out what going on all hell gone break lose in these hospital walls. I got up and walked to the windows and stared out them.

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