Chapter 8

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"Yeah, damn I didn't think you would've remember me it's been forever." Hugging Her

"Yeah it really have."

"Wow you look great." Pulling back and admiring her.

Devin POV
So we arrived to the park. I shut my engine off and got Jasmine out the car. I looked around and spotted Ciara talking to some nigga so I made my way over there.

"So you got a man?" Donnie asked

"No well somthing like that. He not really my boyfriend." Ciara said smiling.

"Oh okay I understand. Do you want him to be?"

I walked up behind Ciara and wrapped my hands around her, you ready baby, kissing her cheek.

"Yeah, I'm ready" Smiling

I looked at home boy and he looked mad as hell but I really don't give a fuck.

"I see you at the playground, come on baby girl." Smirking and leaving.

"Okay" Blushing.

"Te Te, come on" Jr grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the playground .

"Well it was nice seeing you again Donnie."

"You too cc" Sighing and watching them walk away.

"Wassup." kissing her

"Hey" Blushing. "So what's Your name beautiful ?"

"My name is jasmine, what's your name?"

"My name is Ciara" Getting leveled with her. "And your a beautiful little girl."

"Thank you, you are too. Uncle D is this your girlfriend because I like her ?"

"She's just my friend baby girl."

"Oh okay" walking over to little Carlos. "What's your name?"

"My name Carlos Walker Jr and your pretty."

"Thanks you and your pretty too"

"Baby girl boys can't be pretty. They can be cute though." Devin said

"Well his is that uncle D."

We both looked at each other and laughed at the kids. They was so funny and adorable. We walked over to the open grass to sit down and watch the kids play.

Ciara POV
We was sitting down talking about everything Devin is a really interesting person. His life is full of surprises. Half of the things we talked about you would've never thought he did. Like volunteering at a nursing home his dad owned. He so sweet I wonder I what make him this cold and heartless person he is. It just didn't make sense everything we talked about was so positive.

"So Devin, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah wassup?"

"Why are you so cold and shut out towards women?"

"Who say I shut women out ?"

"Devin when I first meant you, you was cool with the fact that I wanted to just be friends. Honestly I did that just to see how you would react. And when I was talking to that nigga I seen that you was trying to make him jealous, but why you not the type to get serious?"

"Ciara I really don't feel comfortable talking about this" He laid back starring up at the sky.

"Well when will you be comfortable to talk about it?" Looking at him.

"I don't know Ciara just not now, damn."

Sighing "What if I was to tell you I wanted to get serious."

"I don't know Ciara I want you but I don't want to hurt you man. You too good for that and you deserve way better then me and you know that."

"Okay I get it but, I don't really want to get serious I just like how we are friends", smiling at him.

"That's why I fuck with you girl" hugging her.

"But it's something I need to tell you", touching her stomach, looking down.

Looking down at her stomach confused, "You pregnant ?"

"Hell nahh, I'm hungry" We both bussed out laughing. "Now you know I don't want no kids no time soon."

"Shidd me either, but come on let's grab something eat."

We let the kids play a little while longer then we headed to get something to eat. At golden coral

"Devin, I was thinking like next week since I take my vacation we can go somewhere like to Disney world or universal studios or something."

"Oh yeah that would be nice but who paying ?"

"You are." Looking at him laughing

"Who ? Pshh shawty I'm broke"

"Stop it" Hitting his chest gently. "It's two adults and two kids."

"How old are the kids?" The host asked

"Three years old."

"Oh Okay they're free and for y'all that will be $14.56."

"Okay" Pulling her money out.

"Ayye, what you doing ?" Devin asked.

"I'm paying for the food." She said looking up at him

"No put your money up. I took y'all out to eat not the other way around." Pulling out a stack and paying for the food.

Grabbing the drinks. "You didnt have to do that."

"It was my pleasure and just so you can hold on to your money, I'll pay for the trip"

"Devin I was just kidding. I was gone pay."

"No, you take care of everybody let somebody take care of you for once, alright ?"

Looking at him smiling. "Okay, come on Jr and Jasmine."

"Devin, damn long time no see." Shontae said while smirking.

Looking at her."What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Just to eat, just like you." Smiling. "So this is the lady that got your head all twist up ?" She asked while ciara started laughing.

"What's funny ?" Looking at Ciara seriously.

"Maybe the only reason I got his head all twisted up. Babies close y'all ears. The kids covered there ears. "Is maybe because my pussy game is better then yours. Don't get mad because your all dried up. Its time for him to get with something wetter i'm mean better." Smirking and being petty. "Devin baby I'ma go find a seat. It's was nice meeting you." Ciara said while walking off.

Devin POV~
Damn babygirl snaped on Shontae ass, and then walked off like the bad ass she is. I looked at Shontae fixed my hat and left. She was beyond pissed off, and i didn't give a fuck.

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