Chapter 9

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Fixing his plate. "Ciara are you okay ?"

"Yeah I'm cool." slightly smiling. "This all y'all want babies?"

"Yes ma'am" The kids replied.

"Okay, come on." Walking back to the table and sitting them down.

Grabbing her arm and looking in her eyes. "Ciara calm down."

"I am calm Devin." Looking at him lying.

I was trying to snatch away but, he wasn't having that. I looked at his hand then back at him. And he looked at me like you don't scare me.

"Ciara please, calm down."

I rolled my eyes and decided to calm down, because that  bitch was this close to catch what the fuck she had coming for her. I'm not like them other bitches Devin fuck with. She just don't know who she fucking with, and that's on everything I love.

"I'm calm." Looking at her he let her go. "I will be right back." Heading to fix her plate.

"Alright" Sitting down.

I went and fixed my plate then came back and sat down. I could feel Devin staring at me, so I looked up. He wasn't acting his self and I really want to know why.

"Devin, are you gone eat?"

"Yeah, I'm just making sure your straight."

"I'm fine, really."

I was really curious about Devin he seem so, I don't know. He's not the man I meant at the party. What if the girls was right what if I start falling for him. How I know he don't feel the same. He don't seem like that type and I highly don't recommend we get that close. We ate, laughed and joked with each other and the kids then left. We was on the way home, I looked back at the kids and they was sleep. I smirked and looked out the window. I notice Devin grabbed my thigh. I looked at him and he was so focus on the road. I wonder if he could tell that I was  burning a hole in the side of his head.

"Why you looking at me like?" He asked

"Maybe, I just want to burn a whole in your face." I said smirking.

He smiled,"Well it's working"

"That's good, so about that girl?"

"What about her?"

"Who is she?"

"She just somebody that ruined my life. I would like to tell you about it but it's not the right time."

"No, it's okay if you don't feel like talking about it now, you don't have to."

"Okay, So what's up with you and that nigga that want me killed ?"

"I told what's up with us."

"So y'all got anything going or wh.."

"No ! We use too but not anymore because.."

I thought about it for a minute. Is it the right time to tell him this ? Never mind I think I should just leave it alone because just to even think about it... I sighed

"Never mind" I said while looking out the window.

"Can you please tell me? He pulled up in the drive way  and stopped the car to look at her.

"I just don't feel comfortable saying this around you, or around anybody to be honest"

"You know what." He said

"What ?" I replied looking at him curiously.

"Ima dropped my niece off. And then Ima come back and get you. Then when we get to my place I'ma make you a nice hot bath, because you need to relax.
You been up and running a lot lately. And i get it you appreciate what you do but I don't think that's helping. So I got something better, okay ?"

"Devin I ca-"

"See you in a few Ciara." I said looking at her.

Sighing "Okay." Getting out and getting jr.

I unlocked the door, laid jr on the couch then went upstairs to my room to get my clothes together. That's when I heard something coming from my closet. I went to check it out, but it's wasn't nothing there until I turned around.

"Dammit Michael you fucking scared me." Hitting him.

"That's what I was suppose to do,right ?"

"Shut up, what do you want ?" Walking over to her underwear drawer.

"Where the fuck your going?"Messing with her clothes in her bag.

"None of your business." Turning around looking at him.

He walked up to me and put me on the dresser. Choking me while getting in between my legs. I really need to stop provoking him.

"I don't know what it is with you, but you not gone talk to me like your fucking crazy".looking at her.

I looked at him, tonight Michael was scaring the shit out of me. It's like any other time but tonight I know what he was out to get. He rubbed in between my thighs, and started moving up. Knowing that was turning me on.

"Stop micheal, please." closing her eyes

"You need that act right because you not acting right" Kissing her neck.

"Dammit Michael I said to stop."pushing him.

He looked at me, and I knew what time it was. I tried to walk away in time but it was too late. He had grabbed me and threw me on the bed, pinning me down while getting in between my legs.

"Micheal stop please" Screaming.

"Shut up" Slapping her. "It's always a stop with you. Who else fucking you Ciara?"

"Nobody, I'm just really not in the mood."

"You a damn lie. Who else you fucking ?" Ripping her clothes off.

"Micheal please stop" Crying while trying to fight him off.

Devin POV
I pulled up at her house and the door was cracked open. I walked in and saw jr still sleep on the couch and a lot of noise coming from upstairs. I ran to see what was going on  and it was some nigga on top of Ciara.

"She said stop bruh" Looking at bruh pissed off.

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