Chapter 33

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I rushed to the house and put on my all black bodysuit. It was rubber like and it fit me perfectly. I put on my black heels and went downstairs to my basement and grabbed my assassin kit. I grabbed my black corvette keys and my phone and headed out. I pulled up outside the address my girl trish sent me, from the agency. Then a call came through on my phone. I answered

"Hello !"

"Wassup girl ?"

"I'm good but I'm outside the house, you sure this it ?"

"Yep this it, I pulled up some cameras and this is where all them came out to. Who is this again ?"

"She a threat to my family, she need to be taking out ? What's her background ?"

"Well I've been doing some deep research on her and she moved here 2 years ago around the sametime you moved back here. And the crazy part about this is, she was living where you once was kinda like she following you. And this dre character really have no bad background. He had a wife and child but they was murder and he moved here around the sametime as well. So I don't know if she following you or him, she been around a lot. Several cases of murder, she was once put away but some how she manage to get out. And several restraining orders."

"Anyone specific that can tie up to why she would harm janisha."

"Well if your referring to dre then yes, and if I put two and two togather. I'll say she wasn't following you, she was following dre. When dre was married he set out an ass of restraining orders out on her. Ciara I don't think this a mission you should go in with alone."

"And why the hell not trish ?"

"Because she is not alone,"

"Good police work trish but you should've been smarter then that Ciara."


"Hello princess" smashing the window and dragging her out.

"Damit Ciara." Trish said hanging up

Dustin pov~
I was sitting in the room with John and janisha, when a unknown number came through my phone. I step to the side alittle and answered.

"Dustin right ?"

"Yes and who the fuck is this."

"I'm trish I work with Ciara, look I sent you an address I can't send anyone in because this is a secret mission she asked me to help her with. But I'm pretty sure you can help her out of this mess. I need you to go there and get her out. Keep John there with janisha because to my concern that child is not dead and Kaylin will be back to make sure of it."

"Can you explain to me what the fuck happened."

"Dustin I can't explain anything BUT I NEED YOU TO GET YOUR ASS TO THAT ADDRESS NOW !" Hanging up.

"FUCK MAN" knocking over shit

"Dustin calm down what's the matter ?" Janisha asked

"Look I got some shit to handle but I need you to stay here with Janisha John."

"What the fuck why can't I come."

"Because that crazy bitch who did this gone be out for her head, just do that man Ight."

"Fine bruh be safe."

"Ayye make that call for me tell them to meet up with me at the warehouse. I can't call the feds on my ass right now."

"No problem." Picking up the phone making that call.

"Janisha I don't care what happen, you better not leave this room, stay in this damn bed. Do you understand me."


"Okay John lock this door behind me and don't open it unless it's a doctor. HER male doctor alright."

"Alright be safe bro."

"You know I will."leaving out

Ciara pov~
I woke up tied up to a chair and some of the lights cut on. Micheal walked up to me and smiled.

"Ciara you know you look good in that black bodysuit. I guess you didn't learn shit from your daddy. I thought I taught you better then that. You know better then to creep up on your daddy like that."

"Micheal if I knew you was also behind this I would've took a way better route. But I thought that amateur slut behind you was behind it all. Besides smart move dumb ass you was on every camera in town."

"You fucking dumb ass !" Slapping the shit out of her.

"Ahhh" Kaylin holding her face.

"Oh daddy dont beat her ass about it, you should've known better."

"Shut up bitch" Kaylin said

"What you gone do beat my ass about it because thats a bridge I doubt you want to cross, especially with me."

"How are you gonna do anything to me princess, your all tied up." Punching her and straddling her lap. "Ciara I knew your pissed but baby Dre is mine and always have been mine."

"You doing all this because of dre ?"

"I mean yeah duh that is my baby daddy."

"She lying ciara, I did nothing with that bitch." Dre yelled

"Baby baby baby, please I don't think this is the right thing for you to be doing right now. Your still leaking blood." Kaylin speaking to dre

They cut the light on and dre was also tied up bleeding from his chest. Kaylin smiled at me. I can't wait until I kill this bitch ima torture this hoe, then watch this slut burn for this.

"Look ciara, it's cute you tried to be hero and all but I don't think that's gone happen. I'm in charge now and if you ask my husband over there I love to have a little fun. For all the pain you caused of me."

"Pain you think you felt pain yet ? Oh bitch just wait."

Micheal left the room I pulled a knife from my suite and began cutting the rope. She punch me in my face multiple times and then grabbed my face. I was laughing because she didn't know what was coming for her. I spit the blood in her face and she punch me again.

"See ciara like I said tied up there's nothing you can do."

"See something you don't know about me, is that you pissed me off. And when I'm pissed off I don't give a fuck about a life."

My eyes began to dilate and I broke from the rope.

"Oh shit."Kaylin said

"Yeah Samething I would've said." Head butting the shit out of her.

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