Chapter 25

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"Um baby." Hitting the edge of the sink before hitting the ground

"Ciara !"

Dustin pov~
I was laying down looking at the ceiling in deep thought. When i heard ciara call my name before I heard a loud thump. I jumped up and ran in the bathroom and I seen ciara laying there bleeding from her head. I grabbed the phone and dialed 911 while trying to find out where the bleeding was coming from. I grabbed a towel and put her head in my lap and held the towel on her head and put the phone on speaker.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"My girl was in the bathroom rinsing her face, when out of no where she calaspe and hit the edge of the sink it's blood everywhere send the paramedics over now !"

"Dustin ?"

"Densie ?"

"Your girl wtf,"

"Man Denise I dont have time for that shit."

"Whatever, what's the address."

"4506 Howard dr, hurry up man !"

"Ight someone coming, hmm im pretty sure she gone be alright."

"You take this shit as a joke. if she dont be alright and she die you'll be in trouble. Get df off my line for I tell your boss." Hanging up

I called janisha and put it on speaker.

"Hello" sleepy voice

"It's ciara something happened."

"What happened dustin ?"

"Where are you at sir." Paramedics asked

"I'm up here !!!" Yelling


"Janisha meet me at the hospital okay."

"Tell me whats-"

I hung up and let the paramedics take over. They put her on a stretcher and took her outside, I closed the door and hope in the back with her. I watched as they worked on her.

"Her heart rate is dropping, we losing her."

"I cant find a pulse."

"What !!"

"Sir calm down everything going to be okay."

"Stop telling me that man because if it dont then what? THEN WHAT ?!"

She just looked at me with nothing to say.

"Exactly !"

"Starting resuscitation."

I put my head in the palm of my hands. Listening to that sound, of that flat line is killing me. If she don't survive what am I gone do. What am I gone tell her friends. I looked up and they started cpr, still nothing. My eyes began to water, the lady look back at me and then at the man. They cut the siren and the lights off. I took off my seat belt and stood over her. I stared at her I moved her hair out her face and stared. We pulled up to the hospital, and I stepped out and came face to face with janisha, dre, Kay and John. I looked at janisha and she broke down. Kay grabbed her and dre and John walked over to me.

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