Chapter 15

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Next morning
I got up and went outside thinking about the decision that me and Devin made. Did we really make the right choice or am I just overthinking everything. I mean we just talking but when been doing that for some months now. It feel like we made the right decision. I don't know I still have things going on in my life that I don't know if he could handle it. I heard the door slide open. I looked back and it was him standing there looking good as hell.

"What you doing out here?" he asked

"Just thinking."

"On what ?" He looked at me curious.

"Hell I don't know, Devin do you feel like the decision we made was the right one ?"

"For some reason Ciara I don't know either. Maybe we should just wait a little while longer. Because we still hoeing around and it's too much for the both of us. So best friends instead."

"Yeah Im down for that." smirking

He kissed me and the kiss got heated until someone knock on my door. I sighed and went to answer it.

"Who is it ?" she said walking in the house

They knocked again,

"What the fuck, I said Who is it ?" going to answer the door.

Devin walked behind me and grabbed his gun. I looked back at him and did the same. Out of nowhere a gang of niggas bussed through that door and I felt a sharp pain. Whoever it was that bust through my door shot me in my stomach. When Devin saw me on the ground he immediately started bussing niggas. I was holding my stomach when everything started to fade and go dark.

Devin pov ~
"Devin !? Oh you better put that gun down."

"Uncle jay what the fuck you doing here?" he asked confused

"I have some business to take care of." He said as he hovered over her with the gun pointed straight for her head.

"Jay stop man !" Pushing him hard as fuck. " Yo what the fuck you doing man this my fucking women."

"Devin, you been fucking around with the enemy? I'm suppose to trust you. What the fuck is this ? Shawty is not who she say she is."

"Man you don't know her."

"Devin open your fucking eyes. You don't know her."

"No nigga You don't know her." Pointing his gun at him. "But you better hop up off my fucking cousin."

I turned around and seen a tall light skin nigga .

"Who the fuck are you ?" Devin uncle asked

"Don't worry about who I am but this is a warning or I'm fucking some shit up, me and my niggas."

That's when an ass of niggas came from behind him. They had an ass of guns. I looked at him and he looked so familiar.

"Y'all got me weak asf. Devin I'll be back and you won't know. And when I do, that little shawty of yours, her ass will be mine."

He got the little bit of his crew he had left and left out. I looked at her cousin.

"Devin, man bruh where you been cuz ?"

"Motherfucking Dee bruh I miss your ugly ass." Devin said while dapping him up.

" I miss you too cuz' damn it's been a long ah' time."

"No doubt, man I didn't know little shawt' was you cousin."

"Yeah man dat' my little princess, I gotta' look out fa' her ya' feel me."

"Yeah, I feel ya' "

We walked ova there and she was unconscious. I picked her up and headed for the hospital.

At the Hospital
They manage to remove the bullet. When she was done with surgery they took her to her room to get some rest. I went back there, and everybody that I fucked with and that dee fucked with was in the room with us. The doctor walked in with the nurse.

"Um, only family is allowed in here."

We all looked at her.

"We all fuckin family, cant you tell. Hell don't we all look alike?" Dee said

She just look at us andshe left out. I was sitting by Ciara, holding her hand Waiting for her to wake up.


"Yes ?"

"She gone be alright ?"

"Um Devin we had to put her in a induced coma. Because we manage to remove the bullet, but

"Doc you manage to remove the bullet so dat mean she gon be straight right." He said

"It punctured an organ Devin she might not be able to have kids. Plus it won't stop bleeding and we need it to clot up before we wake her up. She been going through a lot these pass few months. I see her way too much Devin, her body barely even have time to heal.

"Aye everybody get out from a min." Dee said

Everybody left out and it was just me and Luh Dee.

"Dee and Devin I've known y'all for a long time. And Ciara you know I would do anything for her but she need to settle down because the next time she mightn't be so lucky.

"Doc don't fuckin say dat shit ight, this my lil cuz you talking bout. And my lil cousin gon fuckin be ight', ight' ? "

"Dee she don't need to be living this life style. She need a normal life, and I think it's time that she get that." The doctor said then leaving out.

"Dee he's right. She has been through a lot. She done lost almost everybody in her family. Her sister a bitch, her brother gone, her parents gone, all she has is me, you, and her grandma who she barely get to see. This is a dangerous life style for her to be living. Look at her she done be in this hospital so many times and now she can't even have kids. And she don't know this shit and when she do find out she gone be stressing this shit and you know it."

"You right man but that's if she give it up. Cause I would kill a nigga if my lil cuz end up dead fam'. Wen will she be up outa' here."

"Im not sure but I hope soon." Devin said

"Shit man."

I just looked at her and then at back dee, all this shit hooked up to her. She don't deserve this shit  man. And ima do everything I can to get her out this life and ima make sure of that.

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