Chapter 18

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I was really hurt. I had feelings for him but I didn't think they was this strong. I was picking at my Japanese food in deep thought. I wasn't really hungry anymore after seeing him and her. I had lost my appetite to eat. Aaliyah looked at me and I guess he noticed I was truly bothered. 

"Ciara it's gone be okay. Do you want to get out of here ?" she asked 

"Yes, if that's okay with y'all."

" Okay" Aaliyah replied 

"come on pooh." Kaylin said as she started packing up her food.

It like they knew exactly what I was feeling. Like they knew inside that I had mad feelings for this nigga. I guess because they never saw me like this before. Hell I never saw me like his before. Just as I got up to leave we made eye contact. I turned away, and left out.

Dustin pov 
I was just chilling with Shontae today in mall. When I seen Ciara getting up and leaving. She seemed hurt. I checked my phone and seen it had 10 missed calls from her and three messages. So I decided to call her back.

"Ayye tae I'll be right back okay."

"Okay". she said eating

I left and headed towards the bathroom. I tried calling back but she didn't answer. I could tell she was ignoring me because she saw me with another girl. But damn she said some crucial ass shit to me yesterday. How she think I feel. I seen her heading for the door, so I caught up to her and grabbed her arm.

"Ciara wait, can I talk to you?"

She looked at me as if she was debating to stay. Finally she told her friends to gone had to the car, and that she will meet them.

"Wassup Devin?"

"I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls,I was busy."

"With what Devin, work or 'your new bitch'. Which one was it ?"

I couldn't say anything because she was right it had nothing to do with work on why I didn't answer her calls. 

"Look Devin you're wasting my time, I got to go."

She tried to leave but I grabbed her again.

"Get off of me Devin." she said snatching away.

" No Ciara look I apologize really." He said looking in her eyes.

"Devin you know what's funny ? I never did you like that. I don't care how mad I am at you I never in my life ignored you. I always answered to talk things out. But you-"

"Ciara man you said some fucked up shit last night. I had to find a way to cope with that shit. You pushed me away when I needed you. when I was only trying to be there for you."

" I know I did and I apologize but damn Devin. To go fucked another bitch and ignore me when I was trying to make things right, that's pretty fucked up."

"Ciara you said it yesterday yourself that I was nothing to you. So why does this shit even matter if I'm with another bitch ?"

".......You right, why does it matter. Bye Devin." she said trying to walk off.

" Ciara" he said grabbing her again.

"Devin get off me!" She yelled with water filling her eyes. 

I looked at her, and then finally let her go. She left out and I went back over to Shontae.

"Did she hear what you had to say?"

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