Chapter 27

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Gunshot going off

I opened my eyes and look up seeing Dustin standing over me with the gun pointed at him.

"Ciara baby you okay ?"

I nodded so hard, and dustin put his gun up and picked me up off the floor laying me back on the bed.

"Baby you sure your okay ? What happ-"


Viper punch him hard asf, Dustin looked at his lip and got back up rushing him into the wall putting a whole in it. Once he did that he start punching viper in the stomach

"Yea, yea, get him baby, get him, FUCK..THAT..NIGGA..UP!!"

Viper punch Dustin and I was about to hop out the bed when John and dre bust down the door.

"Sit your ass down Ciara." Dre commanded


He yelled at me but I sat my ass down. The guys pulled Dustin off him. His face was beat in badly and Dustin lip was swollen with a cut above the eye. Dustin limped over to me and laid his head on me.

"Baby let me clean your face." Grabbing a napkin.

I was cleaning his face, when the doctors busted in with the cops. They grabbed Dustin and put him in handcuffs.

"What the fuck why are y'all taking him ?? He didn't do shit he saved my fucking life."

"Ma'm-" officer Carlson said

"Ma'am nothing it's sergent Wilson, I said he saved my life, Let him go"

"Ciara hey how you doing ?" Sheriff jones greeted

"I'm doing good let him go he saved me. That man down there attacked and forced hisself on to me."

"Okay, fine let him go, but lock his ass up." Sheriff jones commanded.

They let Dustin go and he rubbed his wrist because of the cuffs being so tight. He walked up to me and I kissed and hugged him. I put my forehead on his forehead and caressed his face. I seen my girls come in running to dre and John.

"Thank you for getting me off baby,I forgot you are the Feds."

"Shut up asshole, and I miss you too."

"So you heard me ?"

"Every single word, and I heard y'all hoes talking about me too, But no cap we was lit asf."

"Hell Yeah." Kay said

"So when you get out of here?" Dustin asked

"Well tomorrow sound like a good time to, am I right doctor or will you even be here to know? "

"What do you mean by that Ciara ?"

"I heard everything, you sent his bitch ass in here. He fucking forced hisself on to me and tried to kill me afterwards and if I'm correct officer he's an accessory to attempted murder and rape."

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