Chapter 16

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Two weeks later
I was sitting in the room next to her in deep thought. When Dee came in. He looked at me shook his head.

"Wassup man " Devin said

"Nothing, I know yo' ass hungry. You need to get up and eat something . You been sitting here all day. Go walk around and get some air. She will be alright when you come back."

I thought about what he said and he was right. So I got my ass up and went to McDonalds. I got me and large fry and a sweet tea. I wasn't hungry for nothing big. I ate that, then took a walk outside to get some air then I headed back in.

" You good ?" Dee asked looking up at him.

"Yeah I feel better." He said sitting back in his chair. "Ayye can I ask you something ??"

"Yea, wassup ?"

"What if she don't want to give up this lifestyle ? I mean what if there's a reason she doing this and living this way? "

Sighing "Devin, the reason Ciara is the way she is, it's because of my uncle. He rapped her all her life. He made her do things that she didn't want to do. He made her kill at a young age and every since then my lil cuz been closed out and independent. She never look to no one for help. My dad thought that was good for her until she got caught up with her brother that man made her a cold heartless person. She loved him for it. He told her that if she keep it up nobody would fuck with her and he was right. Nobody wanted to fuck with Ciara because they knew what she was capable of and they knew that her brother had her back. But when her brother died and then her father pasted away of age. They knew she had no help so that's why she going through all this now and the doctor right it's killing her. I know Ciara, she probably want out but it will not happened and she know it. So it's best if no one brings it up. Just look out for her and make sure she's safe okay."

"Damn man she been through a lot. Where's her mother ??"

"Her mother left her on her dad front porch when she was just born. Because where she was being taken they would've killed ciara. Word around the street is that her mom was killed by a flesh eating disease and there was nothing they could do to stop it. So yeah she been through a lot. She just need some support."

I nodded and looked at Clara. She was waking up.

"Baby what happened ??" Ciara asked while coming back.

"A lot baby, but there is something the doctor need to tell you. "

The doctor walked in, and Dee left out and I walked behind him.

"Hey doc."

"Hey Ciara, um there's something I need to tell you."

I sat up and he looked at me and i could tell he had bad news. He sat beside me on the bed and took a deep breath. I looked down then back up to him.

"What is it Dr.Jones ?"

"Well you was in an induced coma because the bullet punctured your ovaries which cause a lot of bleeding. it would clot so we had to go back and handle it ourselves. Where you carry your eggs and it bleed intensively which mean-"

"I'm not gone be able to have kids." she said cutting him off.

He nodded and I couldn't believe this shit. This really was did a number on me. All because of some bullshit.

"Okay... um I need some time alone. I don't want to see anybody else ok."


He said as he got up and walked out. And I turned over and cried. Only thing i can ask myself is why ? What the fuck did i do to deserve any of this shit. I didn't choose this life, it chose me. so why the fuck do i have to suffer.

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