Chapter 29

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Dustin pov~
I watched her as she drifted back off to sleep. Something she still not telling me, and I think I deserve to know. So I left out and went to talk to janisha because ciara told her everything.

"I need to talk to you janisha now and in private."

"Okay, excuse me baby."

She got from dre grip and we both headed outside to sit on the bench. She looked at me real nervously.

"Janisha you said ciara tell you everything right ?"


"Okay can you tell me some things about her. Like what started all this? I just want to know."

"Dustin, where is that coming from ? I thought she told you everything.

"Look can you just answer that question please ?."

"Dustin I would tell you anything you want to know but some secrets really should be kept in the dark until she bring it out into the light. Now I've known ciara all my life, that's like my sister to me so yes I do know everything. But I can't give you that information, she will have to give that to you."

"I understand, I just dont understand why she don't trust me. Why she keep closing me out ?"

"The less anyone knows the greater she can do on her own. She wont have nobody in her way trying to fix her life and, trying to make her perfect. So the more things are put away and left unsaid, is better for her to cope with her life."

I was staring out into the streets lights when one of my homies came out and told me she was awake. Me and janisha rush in, and seen her sitting up. The doctor was checking her pupils to see if everything was normal. He left out and we walked in, she smiled in my direction. I walked over to her and sat down.

"Hey baby girl." Janisha said

"Hey you guys"

"Hey I'm sooo glad your okay, i was gone have to murder John if something happened to you." Kay joked

"Why John ?"

"Yeah thanks ciara Why me ?"

"Because you closer to me."

"Y'all so weird. Hey Dustin."

Ciara pov~
Dustin didn't say a word to me, I don't understand was it something I did to him? Because if anything I should be the one mad, this nigga choked me in my coma, a bitch was about to die. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand.

"Ciara when you get out of here we need to talk, there is somethings I got to tell you."

I was curious I was trying to read his face expression but I couldn't. I gripped his hand back and nodded. I think it's time I live the life I want to. I think it's time I lay it all out on the table. He kissed me and pulled back and we stared in each other's eyes. This vibe I got from him, the affect he have on me was scary and I didnt know what to do, was I to run from it or just let it be.

"Sooo ciara you had a good sleep shawty?" Kay asked

"Really, that's a really disrespectful joke."

"Then that's prefect for a disrespectful person."

"Kiss my ass."

"Turn around then."

"Faget, I miss y'all."

"We miss you too, sleeping beauty." Janisha said

"Okay y'all and these coma jokes gone be a problem."

"Whatever, so when they said you can get out of here?" Janisha asked

"They didn't say actually, so I'm not sure plus their doing test and all kinds of other shit. So there's no telling. Hey dre, hey John yall been so quiet."

"Hey ciara, and nahh just in deep thought." Dre said

"Wassup cici !" John said

"About what dre ?"

"I kinda don't want to talk about it."

And with that he left out, janisha rolled her eyes and looked at me. I nodded my head towards the door and she sighed in fustration and walked out.

Janisha pov~
I walked out the room and I didn't see dre, so I headed outside and he was out there smoking. I tapped him on the shoulder and took the black out his hand and slammed it to the ground. He looked at me like I was stupid, I was staring at him with my arms folded. He tried to walk away from me and I grabbed his arm.

"Man janisha you done threw out my black, what the fuck do you want ?"

"What the fuck is on your mind that you had to smoke a black ?"

"This baby shit janisha"

"So what you saying is you don't want this baby with me ?"

"Did I say that ? No, I don't want that shit with her."

"Well you should've kept your dick in your pants. And maybe we wouldn't have this problem."

"Man I'm not trying to hear that shit gone somewhere with that."

"No dre I'm not, this shit pisses me off."

"What Janisha, What pisses you off ? I made this choice man, did I mean for it to happen no, it just did."

"Dre you got a whole ass baby mama out there, you got two kids and I'm not sure if your even ready for this one."

"The fuck you mean your not sure if I'm ready, I am ready."

"Honestly dre it's crazy how you got this bitch pregnant around the sametime as me. Was you trying to hurt me ?"

"The fuck a look like janisha, I told you i didn't mean for it to happen."

I looked at him and then I stared off into the night. I had so much on my mind, but how can I be so pissed when I don't know if this baby his or Ricky's. I pray he don't put two and two togather and I pray that this baby is Dre's. He looked at me and laugh.

"What's funny ? Because nothing about this is funny."

"Janisha, it is crazy how y'all got pregnant around the sametime. And if am correct we was on that break which mean we didn't fuck again until the next week on that Friday but you text me and told me you was pregnant that is there something you need to tell me ?"

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