Chapter 11

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Ciara POV~
It woke up its was two o'clock in the morning and my phone was going off. I grabbed it and I checked it. It was my sergent informing me on some information at the house. So I tried to sneak out the bed but Devin had a tight grip on me. So I smoothly slipped from his grip got my stuff and left. I was in the car on the way home. When I got there I pulled up in the drive way and got out looking at my house. I pushed the door open because for some reason it wasn't locked. So I pulled out my gun from my hip and walked in. I closed the door and cut on the lights. 

"I told you I was coming back."

"Damn took you long enough." She said jumping on him and kissing him.

"Damn you missed me a lot."

"Jackson you don't know the half of it." 

"Yeah I know everything, but I just got this one thing ?

"What's that ?"

"You betrayed me."

Getting down off him. "What are you talking about Jackson ?"

" You betrayed my brother, and who is this nigga Devin I'm hearing of that you fucking with ?"

"Shit." She said under her breath. "Listen Jackson what happen between me and your brother is none of your business. You don't know what he tried to do to me, and Devin is somebody I fuck with but we just friends. You really need to calm down." Looking at him.

"I see now, you can't trust no females because they're all the same. My brother showed you these streets Ciara. He made you who you are today and this is how you do him."

"Shut the fuck up Jackson, you don't know shit about me. Yes your brother raised me after my brother and father died but my brother and my father showed me these streets. My brother made who cam today not him. Although he was also a good friend to my brother, your brother made me do things that I wasn't proud of doing. And you're making me out to be the bad guy ? You can really miss me with that shit Jackson for real."

"What did he make you do Ciara ? I want to know what things did he make you do in order for you to go off on him the way you did?"

"Jackson I don't want to talk about this shit okay. Just know I did what I did for a reason and nobody gone make me regret shit, got it." she said being all in his face.

"If I didn't love your crazy ass so much I would kill you right now . But unfortunately I do, so your life is spared." He walked off.

"Ayye Jackson !?"

"What Ciara ?"

"I don't understand how you was plan on killing me, because your guns are right here." She said while holding them up and emptying the clip then walking off to the kitchen.

He sighed and picked up the guns and the clips. "You one smart girl Ciara." Walking out.

Walking up to the door, "Tell me something I don't know ?" Slamming It shut.

I went up stairs to take a shower just thinking about my life. It wasn't normal at all and I wish it was. It's so much I got to handle and worry about all the time. I have to watch my back 24/7, my life just not how I planned it to be when I was younger. After I got out I lotion my body, blow dried my hair and, put it a bum on the top of my head. I called up my sergeant and commander to see what the job was because they was blowing my phone up about.

"Hello sergent Morse"

"Hi Ciara next misson for you would be in two weeks. Are you sure your ready?"

"Sir I'm ready for anything you put me up against. "

"I like your dedication. Your mission will be sent there tomorrow afternoon at 3:00 pm"

"Thank you sir, have a nice day."

"Your welcome, and you do the same."

He hung up then I got my stuff and headed back to Devin house. When I got there I left the back door open so I wouldn't have to knock. I walked upstairs quietly and saw him sleeping peacefully. So I dropped my stuff and crawled in bed trying to get some more rest.

"Where you been ?" he asked 

"I had to handle some stuff. Just go back to sleep."

"Ciara can you just talk to me ? We been like this for about a month now and you continue to do this. You continue to close me out but why ? I want to know more about you give me the chance."

"Devin just let it go, please."

"Man Ciara get up." Pulling her up.

"Devin get your hands off me ! How you want to know more about me but when I ask your ass it's an 'I don't want to talk about it'. Well it's the same with me, I don't want to talk about it."

" You never ask me what I do. You always asking about how I am with woman. If you really want to know the answer to that. Here it is It's because of woman like you. "

"LIKE ME ??" Pointing to herself.

"Yes, y'all sneaky asf.  You won't tell us shit, so we can't trust you worth shit. You know like 70 different men and half of them you're probably fucking. Women like you are the reason why I don't give a fuck"

"Wow Devin" Getting up and getting my shit. "It's funny about how correct you really are. But you want to know something that your so wrong about. I didn't fuck them by choice I fucked them by force. Have a nice fucking life Devin." Walking out.

"Look I'm sorry Ciara. I was just angry that you keep closing me out. "Following her downstairs.

"Devin save that shit for somebody who give a fuck." She said while slamming the door not he way out. 

Sighing "Damn I fucked up bad this time."

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