Chapter 26

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Dustin pov~
I look at this nigga smirking in my face and shit. I wanted to handle his ass right fucking now but something in me told me not to just yet.

"What the fuck your doing here ?"

"Woah I rather you calm down son you don't know what I'm capable of. Now I'm here because I heard ciara was in the hospital, I'm just here to check on her and make sure she's good and awake." Walking over to her.

"And who do fuck you are to her. Because your not family so I think you're bitch ass should get df on. For I handle your ass myself and you don't know what I'm capable of so I advice you to take that and step."

This nigga walked to other side of the bed. And stared at her then looked back at me. From this point I just want to bust a cap in his ass right fucking now.

"Look you must be ciara boyfriend...CUTE, but I was here first. And I advice you to stay df from where you don't belong. Me and Ciara got unfinished business so if you don't mind when she wake up, make sure to give me a call."

"Yeah that shit won't happen."

Damn why god ain't let me handle this nigga now. I walked over to ciara and watched her sleep. I rubbed her hand and kissed her cheek. I just wanted her to wake up, she can't even have the life she wanted because she was given the life that chose her. That shit makes me so upset, I was watching the monitors when I heard Kay and Janisha walk in with Dre and John.

"Still nothing ?" Janisha asked

I shook my head no and the doctor walked in. He stood at the foot of the bed and grabbed his pen, taking down whatever he had to. He looked at me and something just didn't feel right about his ass at all. I don't know what it was because he was the man who brung her back to life. He smiled and walked out, I took a seat right next her and so did everyone else.

"Ciara, girl you better stop all that damn playing and get that ass up." Kay said

"Hell Yeah, kay you remembered the first time we got caught drinking by mom ?" Janisha asked

"Yes she kept asking us was we good. And ciara stupid ass, threw up all over the floor. Smiled talking about I'm good now before hitting the ground." Kay replied

"Or the time, we got caught cutting by the teacher and she chased us all the way to my house."

"Girl we was bad asf."

"Y'all ran from the teacher and she followed y'all all the way home." John asked

" yep, or the time it was cc birthday. She couldn't get in the club. So we had to climb to the top of the building and got in through the vent. And when security saw us, Ciara hit him in the head with a bottle knocking him clean out."

"Y'all talking about in jailed weak asf. When my mama got us out she beat our ass." Janisha said

"Boy I never seen cc take off so quick." Kay included

Everybody was laughing at janisha and Kay and the memories they had with Ciara. I looked over and seen a smile creep upon her face.

"Look !" I said

Everybody turned to look at ciara and they all smiled. This good,  this mean she hear us, this should be a good sign right. The doctor walked back in, and smiled.

"I see y'all making progress with Ciara, but visiting time is over with and she need to rest and get cleaned up."


Janisha and Kay walked over and kissed her, John and dre grabbed her toes. I walked over to her and gave her a kiss.

"I love you soo much, please come back to me because a nigga miss you."

"Ayye ciara you better wake up shawty dustin look a little horny over here." Laughing

"Girl that pussy probably dry, and dusty."

She smiled and out of no where she slowly shot a bird with her hand still laying by her side.

"Woah, this bitch hear us."

"Okay come on y'all."

We headed out and let the doctor and nurses take over. We was in the waiting room and made arrangements for the lady's to go home and us fellas to stay here.

Ciara pov~
I heard everything them bitches was saying, and we was bad asf back then. I wish i was able to talk but this shit take a process. And it hurt trying so hard to get up. But later on after they left I heard a voice from earlier entering the room.

"Is she ready for me doc ?"

"Look man, she ready asf, take care of her and have all the fun you can but take care of her."

"Sound like a plan to me."

"Viper I'm not playing because Dustin look like a motherfucker who don't play about what he love and what's his."

"What's his??, this bitch was never his. She was mine and will always been mine. She took my homie from me, and shot me in my stomach now she gone owe me her body and life. This bitch was better off killing me."

"Viper just follow the rules."

"Man shut up and get out.....NOW !"

All I heard was the door shut. And the pressure against the bed, it's not this kind of Party my guy. I felt him kissing on me, I prayed god let me wake up. I heard him unzip his pants and moaning. God please, just then my eyes popped opened, my pupils dialated. He was looking me in my eyes raping me. I couldn't move anything but my eyes, nigga smiled in my face and After a while I was able to move my head. So I head butted df out this nigga when I got the chance. He fell to the ground holding his head

"Awww shit you stupid bitch."

I began to have feeling in my upper body I started snatching all the shit off me, and I fell out of a bed, I looked up and he grabbed my head smashing it ground.

"Ha I'm back bitch." Pulling out a gun and cocking it back.

"Mmm" ciara moaned

"You should've fucking killed me."

Gunshot going off.

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