Chapter 23

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"Baby look I swear I can explain."

"Alright, what ?"

"Okay, so remember when we got in that big argument about that nigga, and you told me to leave. Well I start fucking with her. When we got on good terms I cut her off, but she kept hitting my line so I blocked her. I was gone tell you I swear I was, but we was doing so good and I didn't to mess things up. Aaliyah im sorry, I made a dumb ass mistake and I should've told you."

I stared at him, I look him in his eyes. I could tell he was telling the truth and meant it all. I look out the window and grabbed my stomach. But it's just crazy how this bitch knew I was pregnant, I'm barely showing. Only a couple people knew and that's Ciara, Devin and Dre. I sat back and looked at him.

"Did you contact her recently ?"

"No why ? I ran into her but I didn't communicate with her why ?"

"How did she know I was pregnant."

"I ran into her a week ago, and she asked what happened to me and her. I told her we was never nothing and to leave me alone because I got a family to worry about. She claim that whatever you was having was gone have a sibling. But that's a lie, we only fucked once."

"So you telling me that she might be pregnant ?"

"That's what she claim but she lying baby."

"And what if she not Dre ? Then you got a lot of figuring out to do. Because I swear to god if she is pregnant and it's by you, you better enjoy that child because you will never see this one. Now take me to get something to eat and then to ciara house."

He looked at me, like the words that came out my mouth had already cut him deep. But I was dead ass because he shouldn't have been fucking around point blank period. And I can careless about how his stupid ass feel. But I do need to talk to ciara about some shit that went down before this pregnancy. Because if shit start to add up then he not the only one that slipped up that night. He crunk up the car and pulled out.

Ciara POV,
I was sleeping peacefully when I heard knocking on the door.

"Mmm. Dustin you gone get that baby."

"Yea baby, I got ya."

Kissing her forehead then heading downstairs to answer the door. Hearing the knocking getting pretty intense.

"Who is it ?"

"Kay ! Devin."

"Okay" opening the door

"Thanks." Walking in "Where is Ciara ??" she said in a hurry to get to her.

"Huh, calm down Kay." Devin said wiping his eyes still trying to wake up.

"No where the fuck is Ciara ? Devin this shit is important."

"She upstairs sleeping." He said confused.

Taking one good glance at him then heading up stairs. She bust through the door waking up Ciara.

"Ciara I fucked up, i fucked up bad. Uou have to help me."

I look up and seen Kay covered in blood. I looked at Devin and motion for him to close the door. I grab Kay and sat her down.

"Tell me what happened Kay and calm down."

"Okay so Ciara, some dude came to the house, looking for you. I don't know who he is or what he want but I wouldn't give him the information he was looking for. So he had two girls come in and jump me and tie me up until I told him everything he wanted to know. But I still didn't speak, so he found another way to get to me."

"What you mean Kay ?"

"He grabbed my mother ashes and said he will pour water in it and put it down the drain I thought he was bluffing until he started pouring water in it. So I gave up where you live, I'm so sorry Ciara. I am but it was all for my-

"For your mom I know, it's okay. Can I ask you what his name was ?"

"He call his self the viper."

"What ?" She said looking afraid. "I haven't dealt with him in years. You sure that's the name ?"

"Yeah, that's the name."

" Okay, it's okay come on let's get you cleaned up." she said getting up.

"Ciara can I ask you who Viper is ?" Devin asked

"I rather you not at all, but just know it's someone from my past that I didn't know I would have to deal with ever again. Come on kay."

Dustin pov~
I don't know what to do about this girl man. She really been through more shit then me. Hell I'm scared to even have kids with her ass because then ima have to worry about both of their safety.....Damn I forgot, that wouldn't be part of our plan anyway. I sat on the bed and watched tv. I seen Ciara come out the bathroom and looked at me and head downstairs with Kay right behind her.

Aaliyah POV
So we pulled up at ciara house and I walked in and saw Kay and her face looked beat up. I was wondering what the fuck was going on.

"Well I guess you don't believe in knocking do you." Ciara said while pouring her a drink

"I guess not, ciara your pouring a drink early in the morning, this can't be good. What happened with Kay."

"That's a long story that I'll have to explain later. I got your text, so what you want to talk about ?"

"Um can we all go somewhere private"

Ciara pov~
I looked at Aaliyah and I seen the look on dre face when he walked in. I stared at her trying to see what was on her mind.

"Um today you guys !" she said walking to the basement.

"Okay damn, you're so grouchy when your pregnant: hey big head ass little boy, my man upstairs watching tv" Ciara said while walking down to the basement.

"Wassup y'all and ight." Heading up there.

We walked in, and closed the door. I hit the light, and then sat down on the lounge sofa. It was my chill room, I did it up. I walked over to the bar and poured me someDon in a glass. I was so worried about what I was getting back into with this nigga.

"Anybody want some?" Turning up the whole bottle.

"Ciara what's going on with you?" Aaliyah asked

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