Chapter 7

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New Chapter!

It's been a month since I slept with Ryder. I haven't spoken to him after that night I let out all my anger out. It was a relief of stress for a day or two but when I got back to school it finally hit that I was another piece of meat.

I say that because on that Monday Ryder came in with a blonde bimbo. And I mean totally bimbo; fake boobs, perky ass, fake tan, you name it. She was fake. Heck I bet her name isn't the name she was born with! Right now I'm in science starring daggers at the wanna be Barbie and drawling doodles of what I want to do to her and Ryder. I know, I have a creative imagination. I drew a picture of myself with a chainsaw and her head chopped off and the player's dick chopped off.

"Miss Summers are you listening to me?" "Uh yeah." "Then what did I ask hmm?" "Um I change my mind I wasn't even listening." I said with a stupid look on my face. I guess it was funny because a lot of people in my class started laughing at me.

"Next time,Alex, please pay more attention." "Yes Mr. Gilmore." I said lowering my head. "Now answer this-"


Saved by the bell.

I got out of class and was heading to my locker when Jen walked by me with a tampon. "Just started thought yours is coming as well." "Alright thanks." I know what you're think. What? Well Jen and I have been close since second grade and when you're really close and become a woman you can be on your period around the same time as your mom or friends. Well Jen and I start ours on the same exact day. For about what six years now? Very weird I know but that's how we are. I went to the bathroom and checked. No blood. Hpmh. That's weird. I came into the lunch room and walked to our table and sat down with Jen and our usual group of friends. I handed her back the tampon and shrugged. "Not on it yet?" "Guess not." "I'm sure it'll come like a waterfall when you get home." "I hope so." I really do.

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