Chapter 32:

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Hellllllllllllllllo! How's errr'body! My back is killing me and what not. But id like to thank all my readers. I checked how many reads this book has gotten and I saw that it said like 700 something and oh my lord that is a lot. It's weird to think that many of you have read and put up with me not updating this and I'd just like to say thank you and you guys don't know how much this does actually mean! I love all your sexy faces! :3

After today's episode and Ryder admitting his true feelings for me and not giving a shit I couldn't stop smiling. I know it sounds cheesy but seriously, for someone who had their head so far up their ass reveal to most of the high school population that he is the father of your child i think you'd be in my position too. After the last class of the day Ryder was right by my locker waiting for me. With all the chaos that has happened I finally can see the sun light coming through. And I'm glad.

"Want to come over to my house?" "Alright? But what for." "Well I mean I was thinking, I know I haven't asked you today but if you'd like to be my official girlfriend. And so he can meet his new Grandma." Ryder said touching my stomach. "So is this you asking me out." "More like a command." He said jokingly. I rolled my eyes and smiled. As we walked out of the school I saw a guy named Glen throw his fist in the air and Ryder laughed and did the same. "Your friend?" "Yeah, and the guy who made me realize that I need to stop giving a shit about my ego and let my heart take control."

Literally how he says things so smoothly and like it's nothing shocks me. What he just said was deep, and he is just playing it off like no big deal. I grabbed his face and smashed my lips onto his. When we broke the kiss I muttered, "You know I'll never get over you." "Good because I never have."


Driving for about good twenty minutes I had to get out of this car. And gladly we did because here we are at Ryder's house. "Here it is. Home sweet home." Ryder muttered opening the door. When he stepped inside he latched onto my hand and walked me into the kitchen. Looking around the house I could tell his mom was proud of her son. There were pictures of him all over. "Are you the only child?" "Yeah sadly." I nodded my head. He called for his mom a couple times when we heard footsteps walking down. "Yeah Hun?" I turned around and saw Ryder's mom. I can see Ryder does not really get much of the looks from his mom except his nose.

"Mom um, I'd like you to meet Alex." She looked at me and smiled. "Hi it's pleasure to meet you." She trailed her eyes down my body and stopped at my belly. "How many months?" She smiled. "Four." I said. "Congrats." She turned to Ryder. "Mom Alex is my girlfriend." Her smile got bigger. "Is she the girl you were talking about?" He scratched the back of his neck and I could see the blush rising. "Uh yes." Her smile got even bigger. "It's about damn time!" She laughed. "And she's pregnant with my baby." He stated. She smiled and looked at me. "I know I haven't known you for long but welcome to the family."

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