Chapter 14

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"Are you tired of taking care of me?" I asked Jen in the morning laying down in bed. "What! No! Why do you think that?" "Ryder..." I mumbled into my pillow. "Really. So you're gonna listen to that asshole who is claiming that the baby inside you isn't his!" "I know. It just hurt me what he said. And for a minute I believed it. I'm sorry for asking Jen." I said frowning.

"Well don't worry I'm not mad and I'm not tired of taking care of you either. I will never be. And it's kinda cool to see you growing and getting weird cravings." I smiled at that. "Now let's get up!" "Why can't we just stay in bed. Don't you have a hangover?" "No I drank two jugs of water before I got to bed so nope!" "Where are we going anyway?"

"We my lady are going to the mall to start getting ready for this baby. And we need more food." "Ugh fine, wait but why are we getting baby things?" "So I can have a guest bedroom set up before your belly is so big that you're gonna pop!" "That sounds like a smart thing to do." "but we aren't getting gender wise things for my little niece or nephew ." "yeah I wouldn't just yet either." "Now lets get ready!"

You know I wouldn't have such a problem shopping with Jen if she knew what to buy and what not to. "Should we get marshmallows?" "Now why in the hell would we need those!" "I don't know weird pregnant cravings." "Well I don't need those." "Alright lets go pay for this and start heading to go fun shopping!"

As we're piling up the things at the check out stand I notice a book with a girl and a baby on it. "What do we need this for?" "Since we're both young and clueless and our moms won't help us I think it's a good idea to buy a book that explains on how to raise a baby and take care of one." "And it shows things what and what not to do while being pregnant. Like it says here you can have sex while being pregnant." "God you just read the most inappropriate things in public don't you?" "Life with a dirty mind is ten times better."

After we paid for everything we went into the mall mall part. "Oh! Lets go to the Vibe!" After we got a maxi dress for me and some booty shorts for Jen we went to Forever 21 and got me a couple of shirts and skirts. I was still very keen on what not to buy my normal size since I'll be getting bigger. "Hey Alex what about this?" "What size did you pick up?" "Um I think a large." "Get a extra."

When we finally got tired we decided to head home. In the corner of my eye I saw Ryder in Victoria Secret with a girl holding up some corset and him wearing a bored expression. "Oh we haven't gone into to Vicky's yet!" How about we wait." No silly this is Victoria Secret for crying out loud!" "Fine." I huffed out. "So you're like a D 36 right now right?" "Um yeah." "Well I heard your boobs grow bigger like one or two sizes so lets get some DD and DDD bras." "Um okay."

After awhile of Jen picking out bras for me and me picking out panties with Jen's help I noticed Ryder staring at me. I also noticed him eyeing my stomach. After a few minutes he noticed I caught him staring and I gave him a scowl.

"Come on Ry Ry lets go home so I can try this on!" The girl he was with yelled with her oh so annoying high pitched voice. When we finally finished picking out undergarments we finally left to go home.

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