Chapter 15

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Ryder's POV

Seeing Jen and Alex today at the mall was slightly awkward. Yeah awkward is a good word to describe the situation. Alex saw me staring at her and she gave me a death glare. Which I can understand. I mean I kinda told everyone at the party she's having a kid soon. And I kinda humiliated her. And I kinda put her friend under the bus sooo yeah I guess she has a right to hate my guts. "Ry Ry does this make my boobs look big?" Tina asked walking out in nothing but that corset she bought for herself.

"Yeah whatever." "Ry Ry you have to be honest with me. Does. This. Make. My. Boobs. Look. Big." "For fuck sakes yes. You look hot okay." But you know who would look sexy in that. Alex. Oh shut up you. I don't even like the girl. Which I don't. I can't. She's pregnant and not even popular. I have a reputation to keep and if that means hid my feelings for Alex then so be it. "Listen Tina I got to get heading home. My mom is waiting." "But. But. But." "Bye Tina." I said dismissing our conversation. "God I need a real girlfriend." I thought out loud. Like Alex. Sadly I can't disagree with my subconscious. But I can't be with her.

Alex POV:

"Okay so this bar goes into this one." Jen said holding up to bars for the crib. "Did you look at the instructions?" As of right now Jen and I are putting together my baby's crib and are hopeless.

"Am I supposed to?" "In my mind I am stabbing you repeatedly with the screw driver." "That doesn't help Alex. Am I supposed to or not?" "Yes Jen yes. With everything you do you should always read the fucking instructions!" I emphasized the word you. Nothing against girls who bleach their hair but I think this hair bleach is starting to get into Jen's brain. "I think we've done enough for today." "Yeah I agree, I worked my butt off." Jen huffed getting up. After she finished her statement I face palmed myself.  What would she do if you weren't here... "Let's go order pizza." "I want New York Giant!" "And I want Little Ceaser's!" And the bickering of pizza begins.

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