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Chris' point of view:

"It's been 5 minutes" Ethan says taking in a nervous breath

"Do you want to check or should I?" I ask taking out my phone and unlocking it

"I don't think I can" he sniffs, I nod opening up Instagram, I immediately see everyone freaking out over the video. Confused if it's really Ethan, freaking out because it is Ethan and just all round concerned.

"It's not that bad." I tell him going through some of the comments I'm getting

"Not yet, it will be if I don't deny or confirm it. What do I do Chris?"

"You don't have to do anything, in fact, let's not even think about it. Let's make cookies instead." I tell him standing up and holding out a hand to help him up

"What?" He asks looking at me confused but taking my hand anyway

"We are making cookies," I repeat pulling him out the door "you, me and Jake are all going to have fun"

We walk into the kitchen where Jakob is already, sitting on a bar stool at the counter.

"We are all making cookies" I inform him moving over to the cupboard and getting out the ingredients

"Okay cool" he replies just going with it and getting up to join Ethan and I, he gets the mixing bowl and sets it on the counter. I struggle to carry everything and somehow the flour falls only just getting Jakob but still managing to cover him in flour.

"What a fantastic start" he laughs helping me carry some of the ingredients

I glance at Ethan and see him checking a text on his phone

"First everyone needs to turn off their phones" I say turning my own off

"Now what?" Ethan sighs putting his phone in his pocket

"Now you, heat the oven to 180 while Jakob and I start putting the ingredients in the bowl." I instruct already cracking an egg into the bowl.

"Hey Chris," Jakob says getting my attention, I turn to face him and he immediately throws flour all over my shirt

"Delgado, you did not!" I exclaim, my mouth forming an O

"You better believe it Lanzon" he laughs, I grab a handful of flour and mix it into his curly hair making it extra hard to brush now.

"I'm fine with you guys making a mess," Ethan intervenes stepping in between us, getting flour to the face anyway. "As long as I get to put in the choc chips"

"No, I am!" Jakob yells tackling Ethan and restraining him by holding his arms behind his back

"Hey, that's not fair!" Ethan bursts out laughing, trying to get free of Jakob's grip. Jakob uses his free hand to put the choc chips into the bowl and smirks triumphantly as he puts Ethan down.

"Can I at list mix it then?" Ethan asks, looking at me holding the wooden spoon. I sigh handing it to him and he smiles taking it from me. He dips it into the batter and immediately flicks it up hitting Jakob in the middle of his forehead.

"Payback" he laughs going back to mixing, in the bowl this time

"Just try to keep it in the bowl" Jakob laughs rolling his eyes and getting the baking tray out and putting it beside the bowl

"Does it look ready?" Ethan asks me now, tilting the bowl towards me to give me a better look

"Yeah I guess, I mean have any of us ever actually baked cookies before?" I raise an eyebrow at them and they both shake their head, no.

"So do we put them in now, or?" Jakob asks looking at it also

"I wanna taste it first!" Ethan yells before proceeding to lick the spoon, but still managing to get the majority of it dripping down his chin, I laugh at his silliness as Jakob puts the tray in the oven.

Somehow he manages to be struggling with getting it off so I grab his waist pulling him close to me

"Here, let me help." I lean down grabbing his chin gently, tilting his head up to connect his lips with mine, I brush my tongue along his lip getting the cookie doe off.

I pull away but keep my face close to his until his eyes meet mine, I drop my hand and whisper;

"Tastes good."

"Okay!" Jakob interrupts "now we have to wait for them to bake."

"Now, I do this!" I yell bending down and picking Ethan up and throwing him over my shoulder.

"Chris, put me down!" Ethan yells

"You know, I don't think I want to" I smirk carrying him into the living room

"Oh no" he mumbles already trying to wriggle free of my grip

"Oh, yes." I throw him onto the couch and immediately start tickling his sides

"St-op" he says in between laugh

"I dunno Etho, this is fun" I continue to tickle him, this time moving on to his neck, where I know he's most sensitive.

"Get o-ff!" He laughs trying to move away but I stop him by putting one of my legs on either side of him and kneeling up, this gives me a better chance of tickling him too. 

He genuinely looks really happy right now; the way his normally sad eyes are lit up, forming little crinkles because of how hard he's smiling and laughing.

"This isn't fair" he yells pushing my shoulders in an attempt to push me off him

"But you love me" I pout

"That, I do" he agrees, taking this opportunity to put his hand behind my neck. He pulls himself up and kisses me slowly, this makes me let my guard down and stop tickling him. He takes this face to move from under me and in a second he's off the couch and in the kitchen again.

I quickly rejoin him and Jake in the kitchen again to see them both eating the exes cookie doe straight from the bowl.

"Guys," I sigh shaking my head "at least use spoons."


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