Chapter Thirty-Six

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I am a little upset that Blakely just basically called me out in front of everyone. Harry didn't even act as if he cared. Of course he doesn't care. It is me who sounds like a whore here. I just get out of the hospital and I'm already wanting to have sex with my boyfriend.

I think Niall caught on to what I was about to say when he interrupted me. He is smarter than he looks sometimes. The look he gave me after he said he was hungry told me to be quiet.

I don't care really I just wanted something to throw in Blakely's face. There was a knock on the door and I guess it was the pizza guy. "I got it!" I said standing up from my seat at the table.

I walked over to the door to reveal a young man who looked to be around 21 or so. He had shaggy black hair that fell just above his eyes. He had a sweet smile plastered on his face. His eyes were a deep ocean blue. He was absolutely gorgeous.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hey." I smiled back blushing a little.

"That will be $12.50." He said.

"Oh yea umm hold on." I said walking back into the kitchen to get some money. I returned with a twenty dollar bill. "Here you go."

"Thank you." He reached for some change but I stopped him.

"Take the tip."

"Thank you." He repeated more excitement in his voice.

"Everything okay over here?" Harry asked walking up behind me. He wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"Perfect." I smiled.

"Good." He replied not taking his gaze from the pizza delivery guy. "I'll take these for you babe." He said planting a kiss to my cheek and grabbing the pizza boxes. "Did she pay you?" He asked the guy.

"Yes sir."

"Then good day." Harry said and shut the door in his face.

"Well that was a little rude." I said.

"He was flirting with you. It wasn't that rude." He shrugged and walked over to the kitchen.

"He was not flirting with me." I stood my ground.

"Oh he was flirting alright. He is just lucky I didn't punch him in the face for looking at you like that."

"Like what?"

"Don't play dumb with me baby. You honestly can't tell me you didn't see the way his eyes were staring at you."

"He was being polite and just because you use the word baby doesn't make your rude comment any better."

"He was flirting with my fiancé."

"Harry I..." I started but was cut off once again by Niall screaming.

"Food!" He yelled running into the kitchen. He grabbed two slices and placed them on a plate before going back into the living room.

"We are not done with this conversation." I say to Harry.

"Oh but I think we are." He winked and grabbed a slice of pizza for himself.

"Whatever." I huffed and stalked into the living room.

"Are you not going to eat?" Louis asked me.

"I'm not hungry anymore." I pouted.

"What's wrong babe?" Harry asked putting his arm around my shoulders. I shrugged it off though and scooted away from him.

"Don't babe me." I said.

"Ohhh burn!!!" Louis screamed.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked again.

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