Chapter Thirty-One

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I woke up with Pippa still asleep in my arms. She looked so peaceful.

"Pippa baby you need to wake up now." I whispered in her ear. "We have to go home and see everyone else."

"Mmmm." She groaned. "I don't want to get up. Will you just carry me?" Her eyes were still shut.

"Of course babe." I picked her up bridal style and carried her out the door. I sat her down in the passenger seat of my car and she fell back to sleep instantly.

When we got to my hotel I ran around the car to grab her again. I picked her up again her arms wrapped tightly around my neck. How in the world could she be this tired. She has been out for four whole days. We got in the elevator and she opened her eyes slowly.

"Where are we?" She asked.

"We are home sweetheart."

"Where is home?" She asked while yawning.

"A hotel."

"Oh okay."

We were at the room now. I slowly let go of her back long enough to knock on the door. Louis answered the door.

"Pippa!" He screamed. She wrinkled her nose and buried her head in my chest. "Sorry. Love I didn't mean to startle you." He said.

I sat Pippa down on her feet. She hid behind me holding on to my shirt like a lost puppy. "Pippa, love, you don't have to be scared." I smiled. "These are our friends." I lifted my arm to pull her back in front of me.

"Who are you?" She asked Louis.

"I'm Louis." He smiled. "We have missed you so much. May I please have a hug from my little sister?" He asked.

"Your my big brother?" She asked confused.

"Not technically. Harry is my best friend therefore that makes you like a sister to me." He smiled.

She looked up at me to make sure it was safe. I smiled and nodded my head. She took a step forward and Louis wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Pippa!" Blakely yelled.

Louis let go of her and Blakely crashed into her. Pippa let out a small umph. "Who are you?" She asked.

"You seriously don't remember me?" Blakely asked. Hurt plastered on her face.

"Sorry no. I don't remember any of you." Pippa answered.

"I'm your best friend. Blakely."

"Oh so you are my best friend. You are really pretty." She smiled.

Blakley let out a loud laugh. "Well thank you. I wasn't expecting that reaction."

"I'm sorry. I don't even remember Harry. All I know is that he is apparently my fiancé. My name is Pippa Stone. I'm eighteen. My favorite colour is blue, and I came to New York to get some freedom. I only know all of that because Harry and the doctor told me."

"We'll you look very comfortable with Harry. That's a good sign." Blakely smiled.

"Yea. I may not remember being in love with him, but I know I was at one point."

"How?" Louis asked.

"Every time he touches me I feel electricity all through my body. It is like we were made for each other." She smiled looking back at me. I started blushing and put my head down.

"Aww." Everyone in the entire room said.

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist from behind. "Do you want to go for a walk?" I whispered in her ear.

"Sure." She replied.

"Okay you guys we will be back later." I said taking her hand and leading her out of the apartment.


Harry grabbed my hand and lead me out of the apartment. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"I want to show you something."

About ten or so minutes later we came across this alley-way. He pulled me to the back and there was a note painted on the wall. It read, 'I know this is illegal but I don't care. I know I have ignored you for the past couple days but I promise it was for the good. I love you baby and if you come to our special place I will show you how much I love you.'

"What's this?" I asked.

"When I asked you to marry me I sent you on a little scavenger hunt. This was one of the clues on where to meet me. This alley-way is where we first met."

"How did we meet in an alley?" I asked confused.

"I was running from a group of girls. You saw me and hid behind the dumpster. Then when I passed you grabbed my shirt and pulled me in. You placed your hand over my mouth to make sure I didn't scream. Then you just got up and left. I didn't want you to leave though."

"Why? Did we not even know each other?"

"Not at all."

"Then why did I save you?"

"Because you said you wanted to help me. I followed you though."

"You followed me?"

"Yes. From the moment I first saw your face I was instantly in love with you. I didn't even know your name yet and I could already tell you were the one for me."

"How did you know that?"

"I just had a feeling in my gut. Something told me to not let you walk away from me. So I decided to get up and follow you. I walked you to your apartment. Then I asked if I could have a goodbye kiss. You turned me down of course. Then I asked for your number and you said no. Then you walked into your apartment and shut the door in my face. That night I saw you at a club with your friends. You looked absolutely gorgeous. I asked you to dance and you said yes. Then you got extremely drunk that night. I took you home and we watched Elf on the couch. Once you fell asleep I got a blanket and covered you up. You had given me your number that night and agreed to go on a date with me." While he was explaining all of this I was observing his facial features. I was looking at his eyes. Then I looked down at his lips probably a little to long because he started laughing at me.

"What?" I asked embarrassed.

"If you want to kiss me all you have to do is ask." He smirked.

My cheeks began to burn from blushing. "I umm... I was just..."

"Checking me out." He winked.


"It is okay baby. I don't mind." He said stepping closer to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I put mine on his chest. "I won't kiss you until you tell me to." He smiled. His touch made my heart stop. I wanted him to kiss me but I was afraid to say it out loud.

"H-Harry..." I stuttered.

"Yes love?"

"K-k-kiss m-me." I stuttered again.

"With pleasure." He smiled. Then he crashed his lips onto mine. Our lips moved in sync. It was as if fireworks were going off all around us. I grabbed a hold of his shirt. Taking handfuls into my hands. Trying to pull him closer to me. Then I grabbed him by the curls. I pulled on his hair and he let out a small moan of pleasure. I started smiling through the kiss. He ran his tongue over my bottom lip asking for entry. I hesitated for a second but decided to give it to him.

That's when it hit me. I still didn't fully remember, but I saw flashes of images. Harry and I in a dressing room, me wearing a pink dress. Us dancing together at a club. Him in his room with his shirt off. Him on one knee proposing. Me pulling him in the alley. It was slowly coming back to me. I pulled away from him to try and catch my breath.

"Harry... I... Think... I... Love.... You...." I said between breaths.

He had the biggest smile on his face. "I love you to baby." He huffed. Then he smashed his lips into mine again.

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