Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Why would you say that?" He asked. Walking towards me. "Do you not want to get married to me anymore?"

"I didn't say that..."

"You said you don't know if you were ready to get married didn't you?" He was now two feet away from me then he stopped in his tracks.

"Yes but..."

"But do you still want to get married?"


"Pippa please just answer the question." His voice cracked at the end of his sentence. I could see tears building up in his eyes. "Are you having second thoughts?"

"Harry I just..."

"What are you afraid of? Have I not given you my everything? What else do I need to do to get you to love me the way I love you?" A single tear escaped and rolled down his cheek.

"Oh Harry." I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist. He just stood there with his arms to the side. "I do love you."

"Then why do you not want me?"

"What are you talking about? Of course I want you."

He put his hands on my shoulder and pushed me away from him gently.

"I need to get some air." He said then he walked out the door.

"Oh Elizabeth. What have I done?" I turned to her.

"Go get him."


"Run after him. Apologise. Do something. You can't let him just walk away like that."

I turned and ran through the door. I was hoping I would catch him before he left but when I got outside his car was already gone. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialled his number. Please answer. Please answer. Please answer....


I was driving down the road not really knowing where I was headed. I just needed some air. My phone started ringing and it was Pippa. I held it in my hand for a short second then hit ignore. I didn't want to talk to her right now.

I decided I would call Louis. I dialled his number and waited for him to answer.

"Hey mate." He sang through the phone.

"Louis I need to ask you to do me a favor."

"Sure man. What's up?"

"Just tell Pippa I'm sorry. Okay?"

"Harry what's going on?"

"Please just tell her I'm sorry and I will always love her."

"Dude seriously are you okay?"

Then I hung up the phone. I couldn't live like this. If Pippa didn't love me back there was no reason in living at all anymore. I had to get rid of the pain.


I had tried to call Harry five times now and he hasn't picked up any. I was starting to get worried. I didn't know where he was or what he was doing. The look on his face when he walked out scared me. I knew better than to let him out of my sight.

I've seen that look before but not on him. I had a friend once who had the same look on his face that Harry gave me. The next day his sister found him in the basement dead. He shot himself straight through the head. I can't let Harry do something stupid like that. I couldn't live with myself. Especially knowing it was all my fault.

I got my phone back out and dialled a number I knew Harry would talk to before anyone else.

"Hello." He answered from the other end.

"Louis. It's Pippa."

"Hey sis."

"Have you heard from Harry by chance?"

"Actually I have." His voice got quieter. "You may want to come over. I don't think I should tell you this over the phone."

"Okay I will be there in twenty mintues."

I ran back upstairs to change out of my pajamas. I pulled my hair in a messy bun on top of my head and didn't even bother with make-up. I ran back down the stairs and straight outside. I got in my car and drove twenty over the speed limit to get to the boys' place.

When I pulled in I parked and ran straight up the stairs. I knocked on their door and Louis answered.

"Hey." He said. His face was blank. It had no emotion. I had never seen Louis look so serious before. He was usually the jokester but not today. You could tell by his face there was something wrong.

"Louis where is Harry?" I asked.

"I... I don't know. All he said was to tell you he was sorry and he will always love you."

"You didn't see him?"

"No. He called me."

"Oh gosh. If he does something..." My words got stuck in my throat. I felt as if my lungs were slowly closing on me.

"What do you mean if he does something? Pippa what is going on?"

"I'm afraid Harry is going to hurt himself."

"What? Why?"

"I said I wasn't sure if I was ready to get married."


"I didn't think he heard me though but then I turned around to see him. Oh god Louis the look on his face when he left me...." I wrapped my arms around his neck. I couldn't keep the tears anymore, I buried my face in the crook of his neck and burst into tears.

"Pippa calm down. What he say when he left your place?"

"He said he needed some air. Then he walked out crying. Louis I have seen the look he gave me before. And not on him. I'm scared he is going to do something stupid. We have to find him before...."

"Calm down we will. We will all go out and look for him. Don't worry. We will find him."

"Thank you Louis." I whispered.

We told the other guys and they went with us to look for him. We had looked all day it was getting dark now.

"Come one Pippa I'll take you home." Louis said. We had all split up but Louis went with me since I was emotionally unstable. "We can finish looking tomorrow."

"No!" I screamed. "I have to find him. I can't leave him to die."

"Pippa you need to sleep. It doesn't do Harry any good if you are exhausted."

"Louis you don't understand. I have to find him."

"I know and we will but not tonight. We have been looking all day non stop. You haven't even eaten anything all day."

"I'm not hungry."

"You need to eat."

"I can't do you not understand that? I can't eat! I can't sleep! Not until I find Harry. Not until I know he is okay at least. Louis please."

"Fine we will keep looking, but I'm making you eat something first."

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