Chapter Fourty-Seven

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It has been a whole two hours since I slammed my door in Harry's face. I hate this. Why did I just do that? Why do we fight all the time now? Why does his mother hate me? There are too many question that needs to be answered right now. Plus I have a horrible headache from all the thinking I have done.

I have made a decision though, finally. I know exactly what I must do. And I needed to do it before I talked myself out of it.

I stood up, dusted the imaginary dust off my clothes, and walked back out of my room. I walked into the living room where everyone but Harry was at the moment.

"Anne?" I asked going where I stood directly in front of her.

"Yes dear?" She asked raising one eyebrow.

"I just wanted to say something to you, and I want it to make it very clear what I mean." I said standing my ground.

"Pippa what's going on?" Gemma asked.

"I lied to you earlier ma'am." I said ignoring Gemma.

"About what dear?"

"I didn't sleep in my room last night. I fell asleep in Harry's room. Plus I was hiding under the bed this morning when you gave your little speech. Then when you walked out your son and I were about to have sex on his bed when your daughter walked through the door." I took a deep breathe before continuing. Everyone in the room couldn't believe I was actually saying all this out loud. To be honest neither could I. "And I want you to know that I plan on marring your son even if it's the last thing I do. And I don't give a damn what you have to say about it. I have been nothing but nice to you and your family the entire time I have been here. I have never cheated on Harry or done anything to hurt him on purpose. Your son is lucky to have me in his life and I him. We are meant to be together no matter what you say. Just because your marriage fell apart doesn't mean mine is going to. I love your son Anne. And if you love him as well you will give us your blessing. But if you don't it doesn't change a thing. I will still marry him and you can not stop me!" I finished. I was yelling by the end of my speech. Everyone's jaw was flat on the floor. "Good day." I smiled before speed walking to Harry's room.

I started knocking softly at first. "Go away!" He groaned from the other side of the door. My soft knocks soon turned into pounding. "I said go away! I don't feel like talking right now!" He groaned.

I ignored him and knocked louder and faster. I refused to speak and give away that it was me at the door. "Damn it! Fine I'm coming! I'm coming!" He yelled obliviously angry. The door swung open and he was rubbing his eyes. Has he been asleep? His eyes were bloodshot from crying. "What the hell do you...." He started but then opened his eyes fully to see it was me. "Pippa?" He asked confused. "Shit. If I knew it was you I would have came to the door earlier. I didn't mean to yell at you. Wait a second? What's going on? Are you...."

Before he could finish his thought I pulled his face down and smashed my lips onto his. He was shocked by my action. Before he could register his surroundings I pushed him further into his room. Then I kicked the door shut behind me.

I pulled away from the kiss and we were both out of breath. "What the hell was that?" He asked when he caught enough air to speak. I turned and locked the door. Then I forcefully pushed him onto his bed ignoring his question.

His eyes grew with shock but were soon filled with excitement. I climbed on top of him with a knee on each side of his waist. Then I bent down and started kissing his neck. He let out a loud moan and I ripped his shirt off his chest.

He kicked his shoes off and I pulled down his pants slowly. He watched my every move. Once his pants were off I fiddled with his boxers. Before I could change my mind I quickly pulled them down as well. My eyes went wide at the sight beneath me. He was absolutely beautiful. He saw my face and he sat up worried.

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