Chapter Three

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Chapter Three you guys! I'm excited I hope you guys like this chapter!


"You guys I'm home!" I shouted from the doorway.

I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a banana since I hadn't had any breakfast this morning. I walked over to the living room, turned on the TV, and sat down on the couch.

"Morning Pippa."

I looked over my shoulder to see Blakely pouring a glass of coffee in the kitchen.

"Morning Blakely."

"How was your run this morning?"

"Pretty good you will never believe who I ran into though."


"Harry Styles."

I got up and walked over to the counter. She almost dropped her coffee cup in the floor.

"What did you say?"

"I ran into Harry Styles this morning during my run."

"Wow! Are you serious?"

"Yea. He asked me on a date tonight.'

"What you say to him?"

"I told him no."

"What? You told him no!!!"

"Yea I don't want to fall for him and get hurt you know how he is Blakely."

"I know but it is Harry Styles Pippa. Harry Freaking Styles!"

"I know who he is Blakely and don't worry I know what I'm doing."

"You better know what your doing because you just turned down Harry Styles!"

It was 7:00 now and we were on our way to the best bar in town. Yes we were all 18 but we had fake IDs that said we were 21 years old. I had never been to a bar before so I was pretty excited. My dress was black silk that was very short. It was also very low cut. I didn't usually dress like this but I thought it was a bar so why not let loose. Blakely's dress was red and was also low cut. Kara's dress was a deep blue that fluffed out at the bottom and Elizabeth's was purple and kind of loose. We were inside the bar now and I didn't know what to do next.

"What do we do now guys?"

Kara was smiling and yelled over the music, "Have fun!"

She took no time to walk over and start dancing with some random guy.I walked over to the bar and ordered a drink. I stood with Blakely and Elizabeth trying to talk to each other over the loud music. Don't get me wrong I love loud music, but I hate not being able to hear myself think. We were minding our own business when I heard my name being yelled over the music. I looked up to see Harry waving to me.

"Hey Pippa fancy seeing you here."

"Are you following me now?"

"No it must be fate" He started laughing and that is when I saw the rest of them.

The rest of One Direction was standing behind Harry waiting patiently to be introduced.

"Harry? Aren't you going to introduce us?"

"Oh yea lads this is Pippa the girl I've been telling you about today."

"Nice to meet you Pippa." They all said at once.

"And this is?" Harry looked at Blakely and Elizabeth and I had forgotten they hadn't met yet.

"Oh sorry this is Blakely and Elizabeth and Kara is around here somewhere."

"We'll we are glad to meet you ladies." They all said with a smile.

"Pippa may I have a dance please?" Harry asked anxiously.

"Umm...," I looked over at Blakely who nodded her head, "yes you may."

We walked onto the dance floor as soon as a slow song came on.

"I didn't think they played slow songs at bars?" I said.

"We'll I guess they knew what we needed." He smiled.

He grabbed my right hand with his left and put his right on my waist. I placed my left hand on his shoulder and laid my head on his chest.



"Why are you doing this? You don't owe me anything."

"You saved my life. I owe you everything."

"I didn't save your life you could have gotten away yourself I just helped you."

"Well no matter I want to repay you."

"By dancing with me at a club?"

"Okay it is just nice to be able to talk to a girl nowadays without her screaming in my face, plus you're not that bad looking."

I leaned away from him to see a smile spread across his face.

"Oh really? Well you know what you're not that bad looking yourself."

"Really now? Is that so?"

"Yea I'm afraid it's true."

"See I was under the impression that you didn't like me very much."

"You said once in an interview or something you like girls who play hard to get. So how am I doing so far?"

"So that's it huh? You're trying to play hard to get?"


"Well can I have that kiss now?"

"Nope not yet."

"Why not?"

"I don't break that easily. If you take me on a date tomorrow night I may just may let you have a kiss at the end of the night."

"Deal, but just one small kiss it won't count it will just keep me satisfied till tomorrow."

"Sorry no can do."

"Then can I have your number?"

"That I can do. Give me your phone."

He took his phone from his pocket and handed it to me. I put my number in his phone then texted myself.

"There all done."

"So Pippa what kind of outfit is this?"

"What is it bad? I didn't know what to wear I've never been to a club before."

"No it's not bad it is rather sexy really. I didn't take you for a girl like this."

"Oh umm I just wanted to fit in."

"We'll you don't fit in at all like that. You stand out but in a good way of course. You look very beautiful by the way. I would be jealous if I was a someone who saw you with a guy tonight."

"Well then you are lucky that you are my guy tonight."

"I am very lucky. So may I ask why you are in New York?"

"We wanted to leave Georgia and go to a city where we could actually have fun. We all took a year off of college; which our parents are not proud of of course, and we came to New York."

"Well I'm certainly glad you came to New York."

"Me to. I think this will be good for me. I needed a break from my parents. I need to let loose and have fun."

"Well how about we start with a drink."

"That sounds perfect."

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