Chapter Thirty

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The doctors wouldn't let me go back in her room while they were checking her. I sat outside the room on a bench with tears rolling down my face. Everyone else came up to comfort me. I told them what had happened earlier. Louis sat beside me with his hand rubbing circles on my back trying to calm me down.

Not only was the love of my life shot but now she doesn't even remember who I am. I swear this week could not get any worse even if it tried.

"Mr. Styles." The doctor said. I looked up to see him standing in front of me.

"Yes sir?" I asked.

"She has long term memory loss but there is a possibility she could gain her memory back."

"How?" Blakely asked.

"You need to take her back home. You need to remind her of who she was before. You need to help her remember. If you do that there is a big chance she will come back to you. You will just have to be passionate."

"May I see her? When can she come home?" I asked.

"She can go home first thing tomorrow morning. She has to be careful though. She can't be to rough or the stitches may open back up." He sad looking straight at me. I knew what he was talking about when he said the word 'rough'.

"No sir we don't do that stuff anyway. We want to wait till marriage." I smiled.

"I'm very proud of you. Usually children your ages can't wait to do that."

This conversation hit awkward really fast. I was talking about my sex life with this doctor.

"May I go see her now please?" I asked again.

"Yes. She just woke up. Not everyone needs to go in though. You don't want to overwhelm her."

"Yes sir." He walked away and I turned to look at everyone else. "You guys can go home. I will bring her home in the morning. You guys go get some rest." I tried to smile.

"You sure Harry?" Liam asked.

"Positive. I want some time alone with her."

"Good luck man." Niall said.

"Thanks." Then Blakely wrapped her arms around me. It took me off guard at first. Her hold tightened and I wrapped my arms around her back.

"Thank you." She whispered.

"For what love?"

"For being there for her. She will come back to you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to her. Just don't give up on her. Ever. Promise me that."

"I promise."

"Thank you Harry." She kissed me on the cheek and walked over to Niall. They held hands and they all walked down the hall out of the hospital. I turned to go into Pippa's room.


I had just woken up from my nap when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." I yelled.

Then there was that same beautiful green eyed boy. He weakly smiled at me and I could tell he had been crying again.

"Hey beautiful." He whispered.

Was he talking to me? Of course he was talking to me. I'm the only one in here. The doctor had told me my name was Pippa Stone and I was eighteen years old. That was all I knew at this moment though.

"Hey." I blushed.

"You are so cute when you blush." He smiled. "Did you know that?" I shook my head no. "Pippa baby do you remember me at all?" He asked with sadness in his voice.

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