Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I woke up the next day and felt horrible. I think I have a fever. I rolled over to find Harry laying beside me. I let out a small groan and laid my head on his bare chest. His hand wrapped around my back and I could tell he was awake now as well.

"Good mining darling."

"Mmm." I hummed. I didn't really feel like talking very much.

"What's wrong love?"

"I don't feel good." I admitted.

He kissed my forehead to check my temperature. "Baby you're hot." He said. "Do you want me to go get you some medicine?"

"Yes please." I whined.

"Okay. I will be right back." Then he got out of bed to leave the room.


I walked into the kitchen to find some medicine for Pippa. When I got in there though Kara was leaning against the counter reading a book.

"Look what the cat dragged in." She smirked. "Do you just live here now?"

"Basically." I simply answered.

"Where's your darling Pippa?"

"In bed. She doesn't feel good. Do you know where the medicine is?" I asked her. I was trying to keep my cool but this girl just makes it so hard.

"Top cabinet above the stove."

"Thank you." I guess she is capable of being nice. "So I haven't seen you much lately. Where have you been?"

"Out." She shrugged. "I made some new friends so I've been staying with them. Not like any of y'all cared. Not a single one of you texted or even called me to find out if I was okay."

"We'll to be honest it was so peaceful around here no one seemed to even notice your absence." I smirked then I filled up a glass of water and took the medicine into Pippa. "Here you go love." I said handing her the pills and glass.

"Thanks." She answered sitting up slightly.

"I'm sorry you don't feel no better." I smiled sitting on the side of the bed with her.

"That's what my mother use to say to me." She smiled.

"Speaking of mother's I was wondering something."


"I know this isn't the most perfect time to ask this but I need to tell you at least so your not so upset. Plus I don't want to be away from you for a weeks time." I said pushing her messy hair out of her face.

"What are you talking about?" She coughed. I laid her down on the bed. I went over and got a washcloth from the bathroom and wet it with cool water. Then I placed it on her forehead and covered her up.

"I'm leaving in two days."

"What?" She asked sitting up.

"Shhh." I carefully pushed her back down to her back. "Not without you of course, but my sister is getting married. The boys and I have to get on a plane in two days."

"You're just going to leave me alone?" She asked tears swelling up in her eyes.

"No. I would never do that baby." I cooed. I can tell her fever is making her even more emotional than normal. "I want you to come with me. You will get to meet my mum and sister. Plus we won't have to be apart. Plus that's when I was planning on telling them about our engagement, so I want you there with me."

"What about Blakely and Elizabeth?"

"They can come as well. We bought enough tickets that even Kara can come if she likes. All you have to do is say yes."

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