Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The next morning I woke up at 4:30. I gently climbed out of bed careful not to wake Harry. Luckily he is a deep sleeper. I took a quick shower then dried my hair. I straightened my hair and applied a small amount of eyeliner and mascara. Then I slipped on some tight skinny jeans, a bright blue shirt, my brown leather jacket, and my brown boots. When I was done it was 5:35. I wanted to give Harry a kiss goodbye but I was afraid I would wake him, and he wouldn't let me leave without him then. This plan is only going to work if he stays asleep long enough for me to leave the apartment. Instead of actually kissing him I blew him a kiss and whispered I love you. I knew he couldn't hear me but it made me feel better.

I walked out of my room to see Blakely, Elizabeth, and all the other boys smiling at me.

"Ready?" Blakely whispered.

"Yep." I replied smiling. I couldn't wait to go shopping for the wedding.

"Okay boys you know what you have to do when Harry wakes up." Blakely said.

"We got it. No problem." Niall assured us. "Now go babe before there is a chance of him waking up." He gave her a quick kiss on the lips and Blakely, Elizabeth, and I walked out the door.

"I'm so excited!" I squealed once we got to the car.

"I know. I can't wait to help you pick out your dress." Elizabeth smiled.


I woke up freezing. I reached across the bed to pull Pippa into me but my hand just grabbed on to thin air. I moved my hand around to make sure she wasn't there. When I figured out she was actually gone my eyes shot open.

At first I thought she was in the bathroom but when I got up to check the door it was wide open. I decided she must be in the kitchen so I exited her room still only in my boxers and my hair a mess.

She wasn't in there either. I started to panic now. The TV was on so I rushed into the living room hoping she would be on the couch. Instead all I saw was four cheeky boys laying across the couches.

"Where's Pippa?" I asked startling all of them.

"Man I love you and all but you have to put on some clothes." Zayn chuckled.

"Where's Pippa?" I repeated.

"Relax. The girls are all in Blakley's room fixing the invitations to the wedding and all that jazz." Louis assured.

"Okay." I took a deep breath. As long as she didn't leave the apartment. "We'll I'm going to go put some clothes on and brush my teeth." Then I walked back into Pippa's room and shut the door behind me.


We just placed an order for the flowers, centrepieces, and the cake. Now we are shopping for the actual wedding dress. We were in David's Bridal and Pippa had already picked out multiple dresses she liked. She took about four dresses into the dressing room with her.

The first one she came out to model was cute but it didn't scream look at me. The second one was cute from a far but when you got up close it was almost disgusting. The third I thought was the best until she came out in the fourth one. When she walked out of that dressing room my breath was clearly blown away. She looked absolutely beautiful and made from silk.

The top half was tight fitted with flowers starting from the very top left and flowing down sideways across the chest until it hit the right hip. Then at the waist the dress fluffed out a little and ruffled down to the floor. It was absolutely beautiful. She looked like an angel.

"What about this one?" She asked when she walked out.

"Wow." Elizabeth and I said at the same time. "You look gorgeous."

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