Chapter 3 : She is the bawse

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"Wow... she is a little strict innit?", said Aman as he came back to Samantha.

"A little?", said Samantha sarcastically, "So you look devastated", she gestured him to sit down.

"Oh well... She told me to edit videos, but my field is doing illustrations. I have no idea how to edit videos and she has now given me a dead line", Aman sat down as he sighed in defeat.

"Haha! Welcome to UEE my friend", laughed Samantha.

"Ah! You shouldn't have said that Samantha!", smiled Aman.

"Said what?", asked Samantha confused.

"You should not have called me your friend you know... But now that you have, you are bound by the rules of friendship to help me out and teach me how to edit videos", he said throwing his hands up.

Samantha laughed, "Oh you are pretty clever aren't you? I will surely help", she smiled. Samantha liked Aman, he was a genuinely friendly sweet man who didn't care to smile and laugh his heart out which was a rarity to see in the UEE.

Aman spent the rest of the day settling in his cubicle, he was allotted a cubicle right next to Sam's cubicle which he was very happy about. He then went to the front desk again to collect the keys for his home. The company provided flats to stay for people working in UEE, basically because they wanted all the employees to stay at one place, near to the office.

He was also provided with a brand new laptop and an ID card which gave him access to certain exclusive places. Aman took everything and was extremely excited to start his new journey.

Once he left his office he went to his friend's home where he had been staying temporarily and got all his stuff shifted to his new home.

The flat was pretty huge which consisted of a two bedroom house with a kitchen and an office and a beautiful balcony. The place was well lit and furnished. His flat was on the 4th floor of this 20 story building. All the creators stayed in this building. He was glad to know that Sam stayed in the same floor as him so he could have a smiling start.

Sam helped him set up the house and started to teach him how to edit the videos.


Two days later and Aman was still getting a hang of things, he had now become really good friends with Samantha whom he called Sam. He had also trued to make friendship with few other people but they were too silent and serious people and did not like to mingle much.

Aman was humming a song aloud while he was trying to edit a video when he heard the the sound of quick brisk taps, he was by now very familiar to it, it was what they called as 'the Boss lady's walk", it was the sound of Lilly's quick short footsteps when she walked by to her office. To his surprise he heard the steps louder and louder and suddenly stop. He looked up and saw Lilly standing in front of him with her arms folded across in front of her.

"Morning Amandeep, can you come to my office. Now." she said with a straight face and before he could react she walked back to her office.

Aman cringed as he figured out she must have listened to him hum a song aloud. He sprang to his feet and followed her right after. He knocked on her door as he peeped inside.

"Come in", said Lilly in a crisp voice.

"Good morning Lilly", he said as he entered and then added a little nervously, "Did you need something?".

"How many videos are you done editing?", she asked, coming straight to the point and she crossed her legs while sitting back on her chair.

"Ummm... I have done one", he stuttered and Lilly raised her eyebrows and Aman got even more nervous, "and a half", he added, "One and half videos Lilly" he gulped.

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