Chapter 4 : Know your rules.

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Aman slammed his illustration on his desk startling Sam who was engrossed working on her laptop, he then placed his laptop by the side sitting down on his chair in frustration.

"Okay... Someone needs to calm down", said Sam looking at Aman who seemed really annoyed.

"Tell it that to that woman", said Aman bitterly, "She just looks like an angel, she does not have a heart of one", he muttered under his breath.

"Here... Have some water. It helps", said Sam handing him a bottle of cold water.

Aman gestured a no and continued, "Does she even realize how much I struggled to edit all those videos", he sighed.

"So she did not like your editing huh?", Sam asked feeling bad for Aman.

"Nooo... She refused to even see it", he said exasperatedly.

"What? That's a first...", Sam said squinting in thought. Though Lilly was strict with everyone finishing their work on time, she would not be so mean to people.

"I don't understand... I just couldn't finish one last viddeo.. And I made an illustration to compensate for that", he shook his head disapprovingly, "What is wrong with that woman?".

"Oh...You could not finish it?", Sam asked and Aman nodded.

"And you told her you made a painting?", she asked again, Aman looked back at Sam suspiciously.

"You are asking the same question, exactly like her", he said, he couldn't figure out why people took it as a big deal if he did one painting instead of a video.

"Oh Aman...", Sam sighed, "You still need to learn the ways of this company", she chuckled, "Come on, let me get you a coffee, may be that will cheer you up" she said pulling his hand and taking him to the cafeteria.

"You know you have to get used to being in the field you don't belong to", said Sam slowly as she sat in front of Aman having her cup of coffee.

"Huh? What?", Aman asked, not able to exactly understand what she meant.

"I was also never into editing and stuff... I was a makeup artist, I wanted to be a famous beauty guru", she said as she looked at him with a sad smile.

"What?? Then what are you doing in Team A? Isn't Make up and fashion taken up by Team E?", he asked confused.

"Yeah.. well... When I joined that team was what I thought I will be allotted to... But then they refused to put me in that team because... Well..", she hesitated a little before continuing, "Because I was not pretty enough... I was too fat and unattractive to be a makeup artist", she said, her eyes slowly starting to well up.

"Oh", Aman said shocked, "That's ridiculous... a terrible thing to say... and also, it is such a lie. You are beautiful", he said and placed a hand on hers.

"Well that was what they said and I was put in Team A and it's been a year and I have been stuck doing something I never imagined myself doing", she said her voice almost cracking and Aman squeezed her hand, "Anyways", she said taking in a deep breath, "I have now accepted the fact" she smiled.

"Nooo", Aman said and Sam looked at him surprised, "You can't just give up on your passion like that Sam". Aman was too shocked with the sudden revelation.

"It's okay Aman, I am now used to it", she smiled, "And there's always the secret angel to help me out on my difficult days".

"The secret what?", asked Aman confused.

"Well you know, on my worse days, when I feel I am too pressurised or I feel very low, someone leaves a little note for me with small positive thought written in it. It sounds very simple but it actually lifts my sprit up so much that I feel so much better again", she said smiling as she recalled the times she discovered such notes.

"Wow, that actually really nice of someone to do that... And you don't have a clue who it is?", he asked in awe.

"Not a clue Aman!", she exclaimed, "I mean at first I thought its David from Team C as he had a little crush on me... But later on I realized those notes are kept not only for me, but many other people in our team also", she stopped to take a sip of her coffee, "It's for sure someone from our team, but none of us know who".

"Wow...", Aman smiled, "That's at least one good thing I have heard from you about this place since I ever met you", Aman chuckled.

Sam laughed aloud, "Come on now, we have been sitting here since forever", she said and they both left back to their cubicles.

Aman silently made a decision. After listening to Sam's story he had now developed a fear that he would also be stuck in the editing filed like her. He silently determined to try his best to not give up on his passion which was painting illustrations. Even if that meant taking it against the Boss, Lilly.

Aman waited until after lunch time so as to give a while for things to simmer down a little. Once Lilly came back from lunch Aman, who was sitting in his cabin waiting checked the fifteen minute wait and then walked straight to Lilly's office.

"Excuse me Lilly?", said Aman as he knocked the door pushing it partially open.

"Come in Amandeep", said Lilly looking up from her file, a little surprised to see him back.

"Ummm, I needed to talk to you", he said with a serious face.

"Sure... Have aa seat", Lillys said placing her file aside as she gestured him to the chair in the front, "Tell me".

Aman sat down on the chair and relaxed, he took a deep breath before looking at her, "Lilly, ummm, I wanted a cabin not a cubicle", he said and watched her expression change to a surprise.

"Pardon?", said said, hee voice still surprisingly calm, her position still the same.

"Look, Lilly, you didn't assign me any other work as yet, so I thought I would start doing my illustrations. And for doing my illustrations, the cubicle is too small a place to keep my stationary and stuff required. I saw that there was a cabin empty anyways, so I would want to shift there", Aman finished and waited her response.

Lilly gave a sarcastic laugh and shook her head in disbelief. She then looked back at Aman, "Do you even realise what you are asking Amandeep?", she said with a smile, the smile seemed more like that of a pity.

"Yes Lilly. I am asking for a cabin, which is anyway not being used and is being wasted. I do not see anything unreasonable in that", Aman said still with a serious face.

Lilly smile disappeared and was replaced by anger. Aman could see as she tookma deep breath that she was trying hard to keep her calm.

"Clearly, you still are not aware of the rules of this company. If you think that we are sitting here playing some games for fun you are wrong. There is a procedure and a process for everything Mr. Amandeep. The cabins, which may just seem like a bigger room nothing much, are a part of up- gradation which is not just given to people according to their convenience. PEOPLE EARN THEM. You need to prove your capacity, your calibre, do something that makes me realize its importance to you. And I will myself allot one to you.", Lilly's eyes never left Aman, "Am I clear now?", she asked raising her eyebrows.

"Yes Lilly", Aman sighed. He could not argue with what she had said.

"And as far as allotting you work", she took out a file from her desk and handed it to him, "Here, these are some stats you need to cross check and then mail each one to the respective office. This has to be done by Monday", she finished.

"Okay", Aman said as he took the file.

"That will be all", said Lilly as she got back to working with her files.

Aman walked out of her office a little disappointed but his determination was still strong to not give up on his passion. He sat down in his cubicle planning his next step.

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