Chapter 9 : Who would have thought? - 2

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Author's P.O.V :

Aman was done with the day's work, It was his last day of working as Lilly's assistant. He had worked for a week and a day, as Stella had extended another day of her leave. He hesitated a bit before entering Lilly's cabin remembering what had happened few hours ago. He still was confused what he had said wrong. He finally knocked and walked in.

"Lilly... I am done for the day, do you have anything else you want me to do?", he asked as he approached her. Lilly was consumed in her computer as usual.

"Oh! You are done?", she looked up at him, "No no, I don't have any work for you", she relaxed in her chair, "You have completed one week, are you frustrated yet?", she smirked.

Aman laughed, "No to be honest I am not", he replied, he couldn't believe how quickly one week passed by, "I am glad I didn't mess things up that much".

"No, you were exceptionally good", Lilly replied, "You can leave Aman, good night", she smiled.

"Good night Lilly", he said and walked out smiling. Though it was pretty hectic, he knew he would be missing running around with Lilly.

Lilly got back to her computer, a subtle smile stuck on her face. She had started to feel that Aman wasn't that annoying as she thought he was at the beginning.

After finishing with her work she finally closed her computer, picked up her stuff and was about to leave, her gaze drifted to her shelf, where Aman's gift was still kept unopened. She placed her bag on the table and went to the shelf taking the gift out. As she tore the wrapper off she was in for shock.

Her eyes widened as she took in the sight, it was a canvas of a beautiful illustration painted by Aman. It showed a huge square within it was a man stuck and an array of bright colors was seen coming out of him spreading outside the box that he was in.

Lilly ran her fingers on the canvass as she fell in love with it, it was the most beautiful illustration she had ever seen. She couldn't help but smile as she continued staring at it for another fifteen minutes.

Then an idea stuck her.

She then placed the illustration back in her shelf, removed her coat and switched on her computer. She had a lot of work to do. It was going to be a long night.


Aman came to the office early the next day as he had to shift his stuff back to his old cubicle. He was already missing being Lilly's assistant. He walked past Lilly's cabin and noticed her light was on. He wondered why she was here so early, as all the work for this week was already done.

He knocked at her door before he entered in, "Lilly?", he said as he walked in and was surprised to see Lilly was sitting there working, still wearing the same clothes as the day before. She didn't realize Aman had entered in.

"Lilly?", he called her again and Lilly looked up, her eyed red, her face tired, "You have been here all night?", he asked shocked.

"Oh?", said Lilly, clearly confused, "Its morning?", she asked blinking.

"What have you been working on?", he asked confused and concerned .

"Ummm... Wait, Give me a minute, I will tell you", she said and took her water bottle and drank water and stretched before pulling out a file, "Please take a seat Aman".

He sat on the chair, still wondering how she could work all day and all night.

"So, I saw your illustration", she said and opened her file. Aman raised his eyebrows in surprise and his gaze drifted to the shelf and he took notice that the gift was unwrapped and his illustration was kept in the shelf.

"Aman?", he heard her call his name and snapped out, "What?", he said looking back at her.

"I said it is very beautiful, you have an amazing talent", she said, and leaned forward, "So I wanted you to stop doing everything else and focus on your painting. And I have decided to give you a whole new segment in our weekly program",

"What?", he asked shocked.

"Yes, but then there is one problem. UEE is Universal Entertainment Everyday. EVERYDAY. So we need something everyday", she sighed, "With that amount of detail and intricacy, I doubt you can do one illustration everyday, can you?", she asked.

"One illustration everyday is impossible Lilly... But I can manage three a week", he suggested.

"Oh that is amazing", she said, and shuffled through the pages in her file, "I thought of a few ideas of how to get you a separate segment, and the best one I felt is this", she pulled out a sheet.

Wow, she worked all night on this? For me? For my segment? Wow.. Is all Aman could think of.

"You know Larry right? He works in our team, he does amazing rants, he wanted a segment for himself but he could not manage to do seven a week. Why don't we combine you and him, so you can do an illustration and a rant alternately everyday day? Will that be okay?", she asked.

"Yes that would be good. Maybe he could rant about something and I will do an illustration on that topic the next day", he suggested.

"Brilliant", she said and she circled Larry with a pen and wrote down something beside his name, "I will talk to Larry then, I will let you know your proper schedule once I finalize with him and then the Boss Mr. Smith".

"Oh wow... That's... That's amazing", said Aman unable to believe what he had just heard, "Thank you so much Lilly... You have no idea what this means to me", he exclaimed.

"Anything for the Team Aman", she smiled.

Aman got up and was about to leave when he heard her call his name again.


He turned around.

"Here are your keys to your new cabin".

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