Chapter 32 : The fall of UEE-1

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Aman was sitting in his cabin busy working on improvising some scripts submitted to him when he heard a knock on his door. He looked up to see Sam walk in.

"Hey Leader!", she said as she walked up to him, "You have a minute?", she asked.

"Sure Sam, sit down", he gestured to the seat, he felt good to see her after such a long time, "You alright?".

"I am good Aman... Tell me about you... And Lilly", she observed his expression change from a smile to frown and then to what seemed like pure sadness.

"I think you already know by the way you are asking. We broke up", he sighed.

"I heard that long ago Aman. I thought it's just some silly fights you both got into. But then, the next thing I hear is Lilly is shifted to Team C", she said shaking her head, "Clearly you both need to work things out".

"No Sam. It's over now. I think it was for the better", Aman tried to explain.

"Bullsh*t better...", Sam said with irritation, "I mean look at you... You look like the saddest character of some soap opera", she laughed, "And she looks like a mess also... I came across her the other day, she was crying".

"You came across Lilly? She was crying?", Aman sat up straight and got instantly worried, "When was this?".

"Look at you... And then you say 'it was for the better'", She chuckled, "If it was for the better you wouldn't be this worried".

"Sam...", he said a little annoyed, "tell me".

"I think yesterday evening? I met her on the lift, she looked way too disturbed and seemed like she was crying. Something surely seemed fishy Aman", she said, suddenly becoming serious, "Did you try talking to her?".

Aman recalled how she looked all panicky last night and she seemed like she was running from someone. "If that jerk James is forcing her with something I will surely not be patient anymore. That man has done enough damage already", he muttered.

"James?", Sam asked confused, "James is involved in this?".

"Ummm... ", Aman shifted in his seat, he suddenly realised he had spoken loud enough and now was trapped.

"Well, it doesn't seem surprising to me. He is a mean guy", said Sam, "And Lilly now working in his Team must have driven her crazy... Ahhh now I understood why she was crying", Sam was thinking out loud and Aman felt relieved she did not ask him much questions.

Aman spoke to Sam for a little more before he went in search of Lilly. He wanted to confront her and clarify a few things.


Lilly stayed up most of the night trying to figure out what James and Smith were up-to. Two evil minds together was not a good sign. The next day she still was breaking her head trying to come up with some explanation. She picked up her bag and entered the elevator, she pressed 14th floor. She had to somehow find out what they were discussing at the middle of the night. And she knew exactly how to do it.

Lilly was getting out of the elevator when she bumped into Aman.

"Lilly! I have been looking for you", he said with a relief.

"uh what?", Lilly looked at him surprised, why is he here?

"Lill, can you come aside", he said as he stepped away from the front of the elevator.

"What do you want Aman?", asked Lilly as she looked on. Her focus suddenly went on how handsome he looked with his dark blue turban today.

"Is James forcing you or trouble you or something?", he asked, he sounded so genuinely concerned.

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