Chapter 22 : And I trusted you...

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After spending almost one whole hour Lilly finally decided on a dark blue shirt and a pair of crème trousers. She took a little extra time to dress up today as she wanted to look good for him. She did her makeup, brushed her hair and was about to tie it up into a pony when she remembered his words, 'You look good with your hair open'.

She blushed a little at the thought of him complementing her, and a little more when she remembered their kiss last night.

She could not wait to see him.

Unlike every other day, Lilly was not able to reach early to the office. All the extra time that she took in getting ready made her get a little late.

She was entering the building when she bumped into Aman.

"Hey there", she said and he turned around, "Good morning".

"Good morning Lill", said Aman, he sounded a little nervous.

Lilly frowned, "Is everything okay Aman?", she asked. Oh no...Is he regretting last night? She suddenly panicked.

"Lilly I need to tell you something", he said, "I wanted to tell you yesterday but-"

"Hey Lilly, Mr. Smith is calling you to his office right now", said Janet interrupting their conversation.

"Mr. Smith?", asked a surprised Lilly, "I will be there in a minute", she said before turning towards Aman she placed her hand on his arm, "I will come back and we will talk", she smiled and then made her way towards the elevator.

Aman watched her go, worry clear in his eyes.


Half an hour had gone by and Aman was standing by elevator waiting for Lilly when she came out of Mr. Smith's office. He looked at her, her face fallen, eyes red, she walked with quick steps towards the elevator. She looked at Aman for a brief moment, her eyes showed a mixture or anger and hurt.

"Lilly", Aman whispered but she walked past him.

"Lilly!", he followed her and held her hand.

Lilly turned around, tears were streaming down her face. "I trusted you Aman", she said her voice almost breaking.

"Please don't cry Lill", Aman said, he wanted to hug and tell her it was going to be okay.

"I cannot believe this Aman", she said and she pulled her hand away from him, "You did all this just to get a promotion?".

"What?", he asked shocked, "No Lill... You are mistaken... I did not do anything... They told me to take the promotion", he tried to explain.

"Oh is it?", she pulled out the file she was holding, "Here", she handed it to him, "This is the papers where you have signed, it says you are taking up this promotion as the previous Team Leader is not f-fit for the j-job", she said, her voice broke as she uttered the last words. Aman looked at the paper shocked. He did remember signing the papers but he just assumed it was an acceptance form for the promotion. He did not know that this was written in the paper.

"When you encouraged me to follow my passion, to go rap on the satge on the day of the program, I actually thought you believed in me", she said wiping away her tears, "I did not know that you did it so I would have to step down from my job".

"Nooo", Aman said, "Lill please listen to me... I did not know-"

"Wait... You knew you got promoted yesterday night?", she asked him suddenly. Aman stiffened.

"Answer me Aman.... When I poured my heart out to you, when I told you about my feeling, when I ... Kissed you. You knew about the promotion?", she asked again.

Aman stood there watching her, his heart sank as he knew she would never forgive him for that.

He nodded a yes.

Lilly closed her eyes as if to take in the hurt, "You know what hurts me the most", she said looking back at him, "Is that I was stupid enough to believe in you... Stupid enough to trust you".

Aman looked on as she turned around and walked away.


Lilly went to the washroom to straighten herself of a bit and then walked into the floor of Team A and towards her cabin. She stopped as she saw the door. The name had been changed already.

'Amandeep Singh - Leader - Team A'.

Lilly clenched her fist. She walked in to see a man clearing her things off the table and putting them into a box.

"I will do that myself, you can please leave", she said to the man and he left the room.

Lilly slowly began to clear the remaining things and put them in the box. Once she was done she sat down on the chair and leaned back. She closed her eyes to take in the reality of the situation.

Lilly was never the type of person who cared much about her designation or power that much. She wanted to be an entertainer, who loved to make the masses smile and forget their worries. She wondered how she got here, sitting in an office, upset about getting demoted. She still could work in the entertainment industry, just not as the leader.

She then realised she was not as upset to have been taken off the leader position than she was about being let down by Aman. She had trusted him, and that was something which she did not do so easily. Especially after going through so much in her life. And the sad part was, he knew it... He knew that it was difficult for her to trust someone, and yet he had played with her emotions.

He made a joke out of her feelings.

She opened her drawer and strected her hand inside to pullout a small picture frame. It was a photo of her granpa. She looked at it as she felt her eyes well up again.

"I need strength Nanarz... I wish you were here", she whispered as she hugged the picture and shut her eyes tight.


Lilly was snapped out of her thoughts and looked up to see Aman standing at the door of the office.

She got up from her chair instantly, "Oh I am sorry", she said wiping her tears and she put the photo into the box of her things, "I was just leaving".

"Can we please talk?", Aman asked as he walked to her.

"About what... Sir? If it is about my job then don't worry, I will take up the editing section", she said as she picked up her box.

"Lilly... Please", he said, it was paining him to watch her.

"Here", she said handing him the keys, "Good luck with your new journey... Sir".

She walked out closing the door behind her.

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