Chapter 36 : A second chance?

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Aman was setting the table for dinner while Lilly was busy recording her video in her video room. Lilly had not spoken much since the visit to the doctors and it had already been more than two weeks.

"Lill? Dinner's ready", Aman called out as he knocked her door.

"Coming", said Lilly and opened the door.

"You want to watch a movie or something?", Aman asked as they had their dinner.

"Umm, no I am busy", replied Lilly while she scrolled through her phone.

"Lilly please keep your phone aside", Aman said frimly.

"Yeah babe, almost done", she replied still scrolling through her phone. Aman snatched her phone from her hand, "What the eff Aman?", she said annoyed.

"Lilly can we talk?", he said equally annoyed. Lilly's expression suddenly changed and she got back to her food.

"Lill?", he tried again.

"Yes Aman?", she said looking at him, "What do you want to talk? About how I feel? How sad and depressed I am? How I am coping up with everything?", she snapped at him.

"No Lill, I got to know all of that from your vlogs that you post", he said, with bitterness in his words.

Lilly just shook her head as she played with her fork.

"Lill I am tired of trying to figure out your feelings through your vlogs... Why don't you tell me?" he said placing his hand on hers.

"Because I don't want to Aman", she said looking back at him, "I cannot..."

"You think I am having it any easier Lill?", he asked with his gaze fixed to his food. He took a deep breath and got up from his chair, "You know what, if you feel a camera is a better company to you than your husband than you should have gotten married to that camera", he said before he walked towards the door.

"Aman where are you go-"

He walked out of the door shutting it behind him. Lilly felt tears roll down as she took deep breaths. She picked up the plate and cleared the table.


Aman stopped trying to talk to Lilly after that day. He kept to himself most of the time and spoke to her only when necessary. Lilly in-turn buried herself into work.

Lilly was dusting the table when she heard the door bell. She opened the door to see her mom standing in front of her.

"Mom?", she looked on surprised, "Mom!!!", a smile spread across her face as she hugged her tight.

"Surprise!", her mom said as she hugged her back.

"Oh my God, how?", laughed Lilly, for the first time since ages as she helped her mom with her bag letting her in.

"I have come for a friend's wedding here in LA, so I thought I would drop by, surprise you and say hi to my son-in-law", she chuckled, "Speaking of which, where is he?", she asked.

"Ummm, he is inside", she said hesitantly, "I will call him, you relax", she said as she walked upstairs to call him.

A few minutes later Lilly came down alongside Aman who couldn't help but smile wide as he saw Lilly's mom, "Hello Auntiji... Such a pleasant surprise", he said pulling her into a hug.

"Ah! I am so happy to see you Aman", she said as she hugged him back.

The three then spoke for a while and then had lunch together. Lilly made rice and vegetable chicken curry which she had learnt from her mother and which Aman loved very much.

"So what's happening with you two?", her mom asked as she helped Lilly wash the dishes.

"Hmmm? Umm... Nothing", said Lilly trying to avoiude looking at her.

"Lilly", her mom knew her very well.

"I don't know mom... It's not the same anymore. I have come to realise that we are different people...", she sighed.

"Lilly, no two people are the same... That's the thing about love. We begin to love the differences and accept the person as they are", her mom tried to explain.

"Hmmm...", Lilly nodded. Lilly's mom felt that her words were not having any effect on Lilly. It was as if she had lost the hope in the relationship.

"Lilly... Does you not being able to concieve at the moment have anything to do with the present situation?", she asked gently.

Lilly stopped doing the dishes and took a deep breath to compose herself. "I don't know mom. Can we talk about something else?", she said and washed her hands.

"It helps to talk Lilly...", her mom tried to convince her but Lilly was not ready to listen, "I don't want to", she said as she made her way out of the kitchen.

Her mom heaved a sigh. She knew things were getting bad, and she had to intervene before it got out of hand.


Lilly was editing her video when her mom face timed her.

"Hey mom, what's up?" she said in a sleepy voice.

"Call Aman, I need to talk to you both", she said coming straight to the point.

"Mom... No...", said Lilly getting a little irritated.

"Lilly. Go and cell now", she said with the firm voice she always used when she had to get Lilly to do as she said.

Lilly rolled her eyes, mumbled something about having grown up yet been treated like a kid and went to call Aman.

Aman came in along with Lilly to the room and both of them now sat on the chair, Aman looked more confused than ever, "Hello Auntiji... How are you?", he asked.

"I am good Aman, thank you. Now listen up. I have an early anniversary present for you two", she said with a smile.

Aman and Lilly looked at each other and thn back at her mom. Their wedding anniversary was still 3 months away.

"I have booked a week long vacation for you both to Thailand starting from this Saturday", she said in excitement.

"What?", Lilly and Aman both said in unison.

"Yes! Isn't that exciting?", she said smiling wide, "I even booked you for some adventure stuff that you kids will love", she said feeling proud of herself.

"Mom no", said Lilly, "I have too many things booked for next week", she explained.

"Yes Auntiji, it's really sweet of you to do this for us, but even I am booked for next week", Aman added.

Lilly's mom heaved a sigh, "I will just ask you both one thing... Do you people even want to save your marriage?", she asked.

Her words hit them both hard. Had the marriage come to a state that it had to be saved?

When both did not reply, Lilly's mom finally spoke up again, "Look, I know you people can work this out. You just need a break from everything and time to find yourselves again. Please go to this little vacation. Give it a try", she pleaded.

Lilly felt Aman hold her hand and looked up at him. He looked back at her with a little hope in his eyes. He then looked at her mom, "We will go Auntiji", he said with half a smile, "Thank you so much again".

May be it was time to give it a second chance.

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