Chapter 8 : Who would have thought? - 1

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Author's P.O.V :

It was almost going to be noon and Lilly had surprisingly not once called for Aman which was a bit concerning to him. Though Aman wanted to go and check on Lilly he restrained himself as he was not sure if she would be okay to be interrupted.

Another few hours later, Aman had just finished his lunch and was on his way back to his cubicle when his phone buzzed. He checked to see it was an email from the main office saying there was a delay in the submission of the final scripts of next week video. He was confused as he remembered sending them himself last night.

He suddenly panicked and had to immediately inform Lilly about the delay himself before she would come to know via someone else and get upset.

He hurried to Lilly's office and swung the door open completely forgetting about the fifteen minute rule where no-one was allowed to go to Lilly's office until fifteen minutes after she did.

Aman opened the door to see Lilly sitting on the carpeted floor, with her back facing him, her hair let open which was beautifully flowing down onto the ground shining in the sun light that fell on her from the windows. Though he didn't see her face, he was even then mesmerized by her beauty. He watched her in awe wondering what she was doing when he noticed she was wearing earphones which were connected to her phone lying beside her.

He saw her move a little and before she could know he was there, he walked out of the room closing the door slowly behind him making minimal noise.

He then waited for fifteen minutes before he walked to her office door again and knocked before he entered, "Lilly there has been a problem", he said as he walked to her.

"I know", she replied, now sitting on her chair, with her legs crossed, her hair tied up into a pony and her thick black frames in place. "Its about the delay in the script submission".

"Oh you already know?", Aman asked in surprise, he then got a little worried, "I think there has been some misunderstanding Lilly, because I had sent them the mail last night", he tried to explain.

"I know Aman, relax, sit down", she said casually, "I withdrew the scripts as I wanted to make some changes".

"Oh?", said a relieved Aman as he sat down on the chair, he was glad he didn't mess up things again, "Why though? Was there something wrong?", he asked.

"Yeah, I mean, I was not feeling a hundred percent with the fourth video script, the Thursday one", she explained, "The theme this week is 'jobs', and the script doesn't really fit the theme so well", she said.

"Hmmm, I felt so too, but its just one video so its okay isn't it?", he asked casually and Lilly shot him a look. Aman regretted saying that. To Lilly, every video mattered. She didn't take anything for granted.

"We have to come up with an idea and make a script by evening", she said as she removed her glasses placing them aside and closed her eyes pinching the bridge of her nose with her fingers, she seemed stressed, "Do you have any suggestions?", she asked and looked at Aman.

Aman's breath hitched as he saw her for the first time without her glasses.

Her eyes.

His heart skipped a beat as he saw how beautiful her eyes were. They shined bright, a wonderful shade of hazel in the sun, with a depth of a thousand seas.

He was captivated.

"Aman?", she called out to him snapping him out of his thoughts, "Are you okay? You seem lost", she asked.

"Umm, no. I am okay", Aman stuttered as he looked away, It was hard to focus with her eyes on him.

"Ah I just cannot think of any idea", she said and wore back her glasses as she picked up a file and shuffled through the pages.

"Why do we have to stick to a theme?", Aman asked, he never liked the idea of creativity being forced and this theme system put a lot of pressure on people's minds.

"It a rule", said Lilly casually without looking back at him.

"Ah, how about a video on 'Annoying rules that companies have'", said Aman, his words completely dipped in sarcasm.

Lilly looked up at him and her eyes widened.

Uh oh, thought Aman. You just cannot shut up can you Aman?, he thought to himself, now she is upset.

"That. That is a brilliant idea", said Lilly, excitement clear in her tone, "Good job Aman", she smiled as she picked up a pen and her notepad.

"Umm What?", asked a confused Aman,

"Tell me... Tell me all the annoying rules you can think of", she said and she wrote the title on the page, 'Annoying rules at your workplace'.

It took a moment for Aman to realize she was not joking. He then started to give his suggestions and Lilly began to list them giving her input as well. By evening they were ready with the script which turned out way better than they expected.


The next day Lilly was in the elevator when Mr. Smith entered in one of the floors.

"Good morning Sir", said Lilly, it had been a while since she had last seen this man.

"Oh hello Lilly! My best Team Leader, a very good morning to you also.", he smiled, he always was found of Lilly as she got amazing results to the company and her team was always the best.

"How is everything going Lilly? And how is the new guy we allotted to your team?", he asked, his eyes searching for something. Lilly knew exactly what he wanted to hear, but she wouldn't give in so easily.

"Everything is good sir, and Mr. Amandeep is an amazing worker, pretty efficient", she replied and saw a little hint of disappointment in his eyes which was soon replaced with the mask like expression he usually carried.

"That is good Lilly, I was doubtful that he would last, but its good to know he is useful to the company indeed. I am sure it is because he is being trained by the best", he said and flashed a smile.

Lilly smiled back, though she wanted to argue at his point but she knew better. No one would mess with the boss.


"Lilly, I wanted to talk about the videos", said Aman as he entered Lilly's office.

"Don't worry Aman, I finalized and sent them this morning", she replied and Aman looked at her surprised.

"You finished all the seven videos?", he asked in awe.

"Yes I did them last night, and submitted them today morning", she replied.

"Wow", Aman blurted out before he realized.

"What?", Looked up Lilly confused.

"I mean, you really manage to get everything done so efficiently. And on time. You truly are like a superwoman", he chuckled. Lilly looked at Aman and he saw her expression change, her face fell and her eyes suddenly darkened, he could see a mixture of hurt and something else he couldn't decipher.

Oh my God, did I say something wrong? Aman wondered, Why do you talk so much you idiot?, he thought kicking himself in his mind.

"Umm... Get the rest of the mails done. That would be all", said Lilly in a serious tone and looked back at her computer.

Aman walked out, confused at what wrong did he say.

May be she doesn't like to be praised.

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