Chapter 10 : Back together again.

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Author's P.O.V :

Aman smiled as he entered his new cabin, it was pretty spacious and gave an amazingly good vibe to him which made him excited to start working instantly.

He laid down the few things he was carrying and then went back to his cubicle to shift the rest of his things back. On goig back to his old cubicle he noticed yet another yellow post-it stuck on his drawer with something written on it. He picked up, it read "Good luck with your new journey", he smiled wide, there was something about this note that felt familiar, he just couldn't put a finger on it.

Aman spent another one hour arranging his things in his new cabin, he still had most of his painting equipment at home which he thought he would get it the next day.

"May I come in Sir?", he heard a familiar voice and quickly turned around to see Sam standing at the door grinning wide.

"SAM!", he exclaimed, "I got a cabin!", he said excitedly.

"I know...", Sam laughed as she ran to him hugging him tight, "I am so so happy for you Aman", she said as she pulled away, "Wooaaahh! This is so cool".

"Right?", he said looking around, "I cant wait to start painting again".

"How did you convince the crazy boss?", she asked as she went around the table and settled on his office chair spinning around.

"First off, don't call her that, she is not crazy", he said and Sam rolled her eyes, "And secondly, she has told me she would be giving me a whole segment in the week along with Larry", he said excited again.

"Oh my God! Are you serious?", Sam got up from the chair and came to hug him again, "Congratulations", she jumped up and down, "Wow man! I can't believe this!", she laughed.

"Even me... It still seems like a dream".


It was now one and a half month later and Lilly was submitting the stats to the main office as it was month end, she noticed that Aman and Larry's segments which they called 'Arts and Facts', had done exceptionally well with a amazing amount of viewers and very good response.

Lilly had hardly interacted with Aman much as she had gotten busy with work and he also seemed quite involved with his segments.

Lilly finally finished sending the stats when a new mail popped up in her inbox. It was from the main office so she opened it immediately. The meeting that was supposed to be held next week about the Annual Team assessment was preponed to today at 3:00PM. She sighed as she reverted back to the mail, it was an old habit of the boss to suddenly reschedule the meetings and thanks to her overly prepared workaholic self, she already had the required files and presentation ready for the meeting.

Lilly sat in silence taking notes once in a while as the Boss Mr. Smith spoke in the start of the meeting. She never spoke up like her usual self during meetings involving team leaders as she always knew that He was there and would be looking at her.

Mr. Smith went on and on about how far he wanted to take the company. Everyone listened with an unimpressed face as they knew it was way too much to accomplish. Even Lilly who usually had larger than life dreams and extremely far-fetched goals, felt his objectives were unrealistic and he was a little too over ambitious. But that was just how Mr. Smith was; always aiming too high and making all his subordinate's lives miserable.

Mr.Smith then vhanged the slide and now pointed towards the graph which displayed the progress of every team in comparison with each other. Lilly's team was way beyong the other teams with a large margin.

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