Chapter 21 : Until I met you

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Lilly woke up with a smile on her face. She felt a sense of peace and happiness and was all set to start the day. It was not every day that Lilly woke up like this. She would usually wake up tired and groggy, mostly with a head ache, but these days something seemed to have changed.

She prepped for her shower and turned on the music, which she had been doing a lot lately. The tracks were playing on shuffle and the first song to play was the one that she and Aman danced together for at the party. She couldn't help the smile that slowly formed on her face. The memories of that night was pretty vivid to her still. Aman had been such a gentleman and made sure she was comfortable and enjoyed every minute of the party.

She had for the first time looked at Aman in a totally different way. She had seen how his lips curved into a subtle smile when he spoke to her about something he loved, how he always looked away and his cheeks turned pink when she would complement him about anything, how his sharp jaw-line and his perfectly trimmed beard made him look like a model even when he was exhausted at the end of the day...

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her alarm for the hundredth time. She had forgotten to dismiss it when she woke up. She then turned it off, took a shower and headed to work.

When she reached the office, as usual she was way too early and no one was there yet. On the way to her cabin she was passing in front of Aman's cabin when she couldn't help but look at it. She missed him, even though she had met him just yesterday. She then walked to her cabin and got her yellow post-it.


Aman bumped into Humble on his way to his floor in the elevator. "Hey bro! How have you been? I don't see you much these days", said Aman. Humble had not visited their team floor, hung out with them for lunch or walked back home with Aman since a while. Aman found that very weird as Humble had been acting distant.

"Nothing man, just a little packed with work and stuff", he explained.

"Oh... Anything I can help you with?", Aman asked, he genuinely missed hanging out with him.

"No Aman, I am good. Your floor...", he gestured to the opened elevator door and Aman walked out saying bye to Humble. He still seemed distant.

Aman then walked into his cabin and found a yellow post-it on his desk. He smiled wide as he picked it up. It read, "You have an amazing smile, bless the world with it more often". He felt his cheeks heat up as he knew it was Lilly and she had just complemented him about his smile. His heart did a little happy dance as he noticed how Lilly had kept a post-it on his desk without any specific reason. She usually kept a post-it when people needed a pick-me-up, or were having a bad day.

"Hey Lill... Would you like to go for lunch?", asked Aman as he peeped into her cabin.

"Sure", said Lilly as she closed her laptop and got up from her chair.

"You are wearing yellow!", said Aman, Lilly was wearing a straw yellow full sleeve shirt with an off white trousers.

"Ummm... Yes. So? What's with yellow?", asked a confused Lilly.

"Yellow is my favourite color. And ...", he suppressed his urge to tell her you are my favourite person.

"And?", Lilly said with a subtle smile. She loved playing with him. Him being nervous was the cutest thing to her.

"And...Umm... you are looking good", he finally managed to say.

Lilly blushed, "Thanks", she said, "Come on lets go". Lilly made a silent decision to shop for more yellow clothes from then on.


"Next time you come to London, I will take you around", said Aman. Lilly and Aman were having lunch at 'Papas Kitchen' again. It had now become a regular routine for them.

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