Chapter 24 : I got you

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Lilly could not sleep most of the night. Her mind kept drifting to the conversation that Humble and she had. She had assumed Aman to be the bad guy while he was trying to protect her all along. She controlled the urge to message him and waited for morning so she could talk to him face-to-face.

By sharp 9:00 AM Lilly was at the office sitting in her little cubicle waiting for Aman. She was getting a little restless and nervous, she did not know what to expect as a reaction from him.

Two hours passed by and Aman did not turn up. Lilly kept herself busy by working, but now she was getting worried. She was about to go enquire with someone when she noticed Aman enter. Her heart jumped, he was wearing a navy blue suit, tie and turban with white shirt in which he looked like a model in every angle.

She watched as he was walking while having an intense conversation with Stella. Stella was now working as his assistant and Lilly was glad about it as she knew Stella was capable of helping him out in case of a stressful situation.

Aman surpassed her and walked into his cabin along with Stella. Lilly sighed and sat back down on her chair. He seemed pretty busy today and it would be hard to get some time alone with him.

After lunch Lilly came back to check if Aman was back and alone by any chance when she saw he was not there in his cabin yet. After waiting for a bit she got to know that Aman had gone to the 'viewer interaction' meeting. It was a something Mr. Smith would organize once every few months when he would call some of the regular or top few viewers and make them interact with the team leaders so as to make them feel included. It was just another way of earning money as he would select the viewers by organizing contests and lucky draws.

Lilly went to the little hall where they conducted the meeting as she wanted to see Aman. When she reached the hall she got to the first floor room where all the creators and Mr. Smith were standing. There was a small open stage like opening in the wall which opened into the hall downstairs. The creators were called one by one and told to speak to the viewers.

Lilly watched standing at the back as Mr. Smith spoke for a bit with the viewers. He then called out to Aman and informed the audience that he would be talking with them.

Aman looked shocked. Lilly figured out that no one had informed him about the fact that he would have to talk to the people. She waited as Aman made his way to the edge where Mr. Smith was standing. He slowed down and stopped a few steps before he reached Mr. Smith.

"Come on Aman", said Mr.Smith with a smile but Aman seemed to be stuck standing there.

"Come on my boy", said Mr. Smith and stretched out his hand and pulled him to the edge. Aman seemed very uneasy and shaken. Lilly was watching with concern clear in her face. Aman would not hesitate before talking to such a small crowd, and to her it seemed that the problem was not just the sudden quest to give a talk.

She felt him take a step back and noticed his hand shiver. It suddenly dawned to her why he was acting this way.

Lilly made her way to the place where Aman was standing while everyone else watched her surprised. She slowly stood by his side and held his hand. Aman was startled and looked by his side, surprised to see Lilly. She then leaned a little towards him, "Hey", she whispered.

Aman did not reply.

"Aman... can you see that little girl in the right corner?", she asked. Aman's eyes drifted to the girl, "Yeah?", he said, a little confused.

"How cute is her dress? Like so colorful", she chuckled.

"Lill", He said with a shaky breath.

"Okay Okay.... Now take a deep breath", she said in such a soothing tone Aman did as she told him and it actually helped him calm down a little.

"You see Aman, I am holding your hand... You won't fall down", she said as she tightened her grip on his hand, "I got you".

Aman smiled, his focus now a little deviated to Lilly's grip on his hand and the colourful dress the little girl wore... He completely forgot that he was standing at the edge, or that he was afraid of heights.

"Can we have the questions please", asked Lilly as she smiled to the audience. They then stated to asked their queries one by one and Aman managed to answer them all. Lilly helped him whenever he got stuck.

"Are you okay baby? You seem stressed...", asked Amdrea to James, they were standing at the back watching Aman talk while Lilly stood by him.

"No I am good", said James. He could not tell her how he had noticed when Lilly held Aman's hand and he was controlling his urge to push that man off the edge right this instant.


After looking everywhere, Aman finally found Lilly waiting by the elevator.

"Hey", he said as he walked up to her, "Umm... Lilly... Thank you for that", he stuttered, "I have a fear of heights".

"I figured that", Lilly smiled, "It's okay, you did well".

Aman looked at her confused; Did she just smile at me?

The elevator doors opened and Lilly stepped in, "You won't come in?", she asked and Aman walked in hesitantly. He was afraid she would not be comfortable being with him in the elevator considering what had happened the last time they were in an elevator together.

"Ummm... Done for the day huh?", she asked, Aman again looked at her confused. She is talking to me casually! What?

"Yeah", he managed to say.

"Come on then, I will drop you in my car", she offered.

"Sure", Aman said, he lightly pinched himself to check if this was a dream.

Lilly was driving while Aman kept looking ahead, unable to figure out if he should talk when Lilly finally spoke up.

"You look good in blue"

Aman raised his eyebrows, "What?", he said as he looked at her.

"Blue suits you well", she said looking at him briefly before turning back her focus to the road again.

Aman could not respond, he felt his cheeks heat up, Did she just complement me?

They finally reached the apartment building. Lilly parked her car and both were now in the elevtor again. The silence was killing him.

"Aman... Thank you", Lilly spoke up suddenly, "And sorry", she said as she turned to look at him.

"What?", he asked. Is she playing with me?

"I spoke to Humble last night", she said a little nervously, "And he told me what happened at the meeting, with Mr. Smith... and how you stood up for me".

"Oh", Aman suddenly understood. God bless you brother, he felt thankful to Humble.

She struggled to find words, "I am sorry I should not have-"

"Its okay Lilly", he said as he cut her off in the middle, "You don't have to be sorry... But just know that I would never ever do anything that will hurt you".

Lilly looked at him, her heart melted, "I know", she whispered.

The elevator doors opened, startling both of them.

"Umm.. Your floor", Aman said, gesturing her to the door. Lilly silently nodded before she walked past him. She was was about to step out of the elevator when Aman held her hand, "Lill...", he whispered.

Lilly turned to look back at him, his eyes conveyed a thousand emotions. Before she could utter a word, he pulled her into his arms and crashed his lips to hers. Lilly pulled him closer by his collar while he tightened his grip around her. She smiled against the kiss as she felt his heart beat against her.

As they pulled away, both of them were breathless, Aman looked at Lilly with so much love, "I love you Lill", he said catching his breath. Lilly's heart skipped a beat when she heard those words, her expression changed from pure ecstasy to a mixture of happiness and fear.

It was as if Aman sensed her fear and he placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her forehead, "Good night love", he whispered.

A smile slowly spread across her face and her eyes lit up again, "Good night Aman", she said before she walked to her home.

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