Chapter 5 : I cannot with this guy

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Lilly's Pov:

I watched the cameras again and noticed how Aman was looking disturbed as he sat by himself working and not being his usual cheerful self.

I was not the kind of person to force my team members more work. The time I gave Aman seven videos to edit, I was expecting him to finish only two or three. I sat all night and edited all the seven videos myself as a back-up just in-case he wasn't able to do it by himself. I was pretty surprised when he had told me he had done six videos and was pretty impressed. That was until he tld me he did an illustration intead of a video. That made me get annoyed.

I had not given him any work after that as I thought he deserved a break after his hectic week, but then he had come to me saying he was not allotted work so he wanted a cabin to paint. I had lost it. The man had constantly searched ways to annoy me.

The sudden buzz from my phone startled me snapping me out of my thoughts. I checked to see it was a message from Humble asking me if I wanted to go for dinner.

I immediately sent him a 'yes'. I was in need of some time off this weekend. I was exhausted with all the extra work I had done this week.

Shaprp at 5 minutes past 5:00 as I expected Humble walked into my office.

"I should say, one best miraculous thing that UEE did was to make you stop dilly-dallying", I smiled.

"Oh please! I never was late even before", Humble argued as he flashed his chiled like smile.

"Ya right!", I said picking up my stuff and rolling my eyes. Humble was always late, ever since I knew him, which was more than ten years ago, "Come on lets go, I am starving".

We went to our usual restaurant, 'The Cave', it was mine and humble's favourite place. It served amazing vegetarian food with so many varities.

"So how's the new guy?", Humble asked as we were half way through the dinner.

"Ah... Dont't even", I said rolling my eyes.

"Hahaha... Giving you a tough time huh? Thats difficult to beleive, its usually you who give them a tough time", he laughed.

I just shot him a look, "This guy is different", I said casually. He was indeed different, very very different.

"I still don't understand why they appointed an artist in the first place".

"Its UEE Humble... They do crazy ish", I said as I took another bite of my food, "And this guy... Oh my God... He doesn't seem to understand the concept of rules at all! Like... He wants to do his work in his own way", I shook my head.

"Oh?", Humble looked up, "Guess he is in for a surprise when he will finally u find out that is not how it works here". He chuckled.

"I don't even know... I mean, he asked me a cabin... And he wants to paint and space was not enough. He tells me he didn't want to work like a robot", I said and took a sip of my drink, "I don't get this man".

"You know whom he reminds me of?", Humble asked and I looked up at him, "Who?", I asked.

"You", he chuckled. I felt my heart suddenly stop
"You were just like this when you had freshly joined. All rebellious, wanting to not let go your passion, not follow the rules, bring about changes... You even went to the Boss asking him to change some schedules and stuff", he laughed, "Man I cannot forget those days".

I laughed, he was right, I was such a rebel when I had just joined.

"I don't know why this guy joined UEE. I mean, I saw his file, he has some dope talent, someone should have warned him about this place. I mean... He keeps laughing and cracking jokes and seems so happy", I sighed. It had been a while since I had come across someone with such a happy energy.

"Sounds like your type of guy", Humble winked.

"Haha... He is damn cute though", I admitted, "And his British accent also helps", I laughed. Though his actions did annoy me the past few days, It
was hard not to notice his charm and personality.

"What?? Lilly Saini Singh! Did you just call a guy cute?", Humble laughed and strangely enough to my surprise I felt my cheeks heating up. "That is like the first time you have actually said somthing like that ever since.... Ummm... You know-"

"Humble... Umm.. Shall we ask for the bill? I think its getting late", I blurted out cutting him off. I was not ready to hear what he was going to say.

"Oh I am so sorry Lilly, I didn't mean to bring that up", Humble apologised.

"Its okay", I said, as I looked away.

May be I was still not over it.


I was woking on the weekly submission in my office when I heard a knock on the door I looked up to see Amandeep peeping in.

"Morning Lilly, do you have five minutes?", he asked.

"Sure come on in Amandeep, good morning to you too, please have a seat", I gestured him to sit down.

He just stood in front of my desk, "No no, I just wanted to say... I mean, apologise for my behaviour so far. I did not mean to offend you or anything", he said and suddenly I felt my heart melt.

"It's totally okay", I smiled, "I get it that it takes time to get accustomed to the rules of this company, but I am sure you will find it easier with time".

"Thanks Lilly.. Also, I just got you something", he said as he stretched out his hand towards me giving me a large flat box nice wrapped in a pink warper and yellow ribbon.

"Oh!", I gasped, I did not expect that, "I am so sorry but i can not accept this. Thank you very much, but its company policy", I smiled, It was indeed very sweet of him and I was surprised.

"Please... I insist. This is the least I could do", he tried to explain but i cut him off.

"No No, I am sorry i Can't", I said again.

He placed the box on my table, "Lilly, i found this box on the floor today, I don't know whom it belongs to, can you please sort the issue out", he said with a serious face.

"What?", I looked at him confused as to what he was trying to do. I then suddenly realised his trick. He was handing the gift to me as a lost and found object. Well played, I thought, he was pretty clever indeed.

"I shall look into the matter", I said shaking my head.

"Thanks", he said and walked out of the office.


I was going through my mails when I got a call from the main office of the boss. They informed me that last weeks reports were not mailed to them as yet. I was shocked as I had already finished them way before the dead line.

I then suddenly remembered giving the work of mailing to Amandeep. He had not mailed them. I started to feel my blood rush to my head as I struggled to take normal breaths. I was so furious it was difficult to remain calm.

I had always made it a policy in out team as to maintain a very strict discipline about deadlines. I
never liked any type of delay in any process and made sure there were no complaints on my team from the boss.

This was the first time in two years I had received a complain and I was furious.

I picked up the intercom, "Send Amandeep Singh In", I said trying hard to keep a calm voice.

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