Chapter 19 : Here by your side.

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Aman came to the office early the next day as he had a lot of work to catch up on. He was surprised to find the light on in Lilly's cabin. Lilly had left early the previous day after the encounter with James and Aman was not expecting her to come to work looking at her state. He walked to her cabin to check on her.

"Hey Lill, how are you?", he said as he walked in. He could see she was anything but okay, her eyes were red and puffed, she looked sleep deprived and exhausted.

"I am good thanks Aman", said Lilly, her voice low and sore, "We have so much to do with the event less than a week away", she said as she browsed through the files.

Aman wanted her to go back to her home and rest but he knew that she needed the distraction so kept silent.

"Oh and yes Aman, we might need to fly to New York tomorrow for the promotion of the event", she said and Aman was surprised, "New York?", he asked. This was sudden.

"Yes, every team goes to a certain place and we were given New York. It is a small promotional thing that we do, to get more audience", she said and gave him the file, "Here are the details of the process. I have making the presentation, you won't have much to do other than just come along with me and relax", she said. Her voice was so sore that Aman got worried.

"Lilly if it just a presentation then I will do it myself, you can stay back and take rest", he said with concern.

Lilly looked at him for moment before she spoke, "No... I need to work", she then got back to other files.


The next day Aman waited at the gates of their apartment building, the Uber driver had arrived on time and how was now waiting for Lilly. Fifteen minutes later he saw Lilly finally walk towards the car with her lugguage.

"Sorry I am late", she said, her voice so sore that it was almost inaudible. He eyes still seemed red and puffed. Aman silently helped her with her bags.

"Are you at least taking any medications?", Aman asked finally when they were settled in the back seat.

"Yeah...", Lilly replied looking away at the widow. He knew she was lying.

They finally landed in New York and took a cab to the place the company had booked for them. It was a service apartment which was pretty spacious and had a nice view. Lilly did not even bother to explore the place and went straight to the room, "I will get fresh and see you in an hour", she said before she closed the door.

Aman unpacked his clothes, took a shower and changed to fresh clothes. He then sat down in the living room with his laptop waiting for Lilly. Two hours went by and there was no sign of Lilly. Aman got a little worried and knocked on her door gently. She did not open. He then pushed the door which was unlocked, he entered inside to see Lilly sound asleep in her bed. She looked exhausted. Aman did not have the heart to wake her up so he gently closed the door and went out to get her some food.

By the time her came back home a few hours had gone by. He walked to Lilly's room and knocked again. When he heard no answer he pushed the door open to find Lilly still asleep. He walked up to her, "Lilly?", he said as he gently touched her forehead. She was burning high fever. He heaved a sigh as he walked to his room to get some medicines he had packed just in case he would need them. He woke her up and made her have the tablets before letting her go back to sleep.


"Aman?", Lilly croaked as she sat up, her body was still aching, but it was a little better than before. She slowly got out of the bed and went to the washroom. She looked at herself in the mirror, she looked sick. She tied her hair into a bun which was a massive task considering how moving every single muscle hurt at the moment. She then walked to her luggage and took out her laptop.

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